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  1. M. R. Byrd

    PF Fest in KC March7-9

    I can imagine what the parking was like. I was watching the Big 12 Women's BB Tournament at T-Mobile and also the MIAA tournament at Memorial, then the Pheasant Fest, all down there, it had to be bad for parking. My son will invite us to attend a K-State game at T-Mobile sometimes and he parks...
  2. M. R. Byrd

    Bob Peters writes a short post.

    Some great posts here and it reminded me of so many great times I have had with my sons and taking care of the wildlife. I can see my oldest son's first pheasant with his 20 gauge 1100 left hand. My youngest son received a Browning 20 gauge Micro for Christmas and to his disappointment it had a...
  3. M. R. Byrd

    New from Illinois

  4. M. R. Byrd

    New Here From NW CO

    Welcome. Thanks for sharing the photos.
  5. M. R. Byrd


  6. M. R. Byrd


    I recommend a call to Star Seed. They can advise you of seed choices. They have seed mixes that are not listed on their website. I have used them for years and they are my go to guys for both CRP grass mixes and food plot seed. There are "safened" seed options for milo seed that...
  7. M. R. Byrd

    New from OK

  8. M. R. Byrd

    Things I learned and Questions I have

    "Just because you’re a relative doesn’t mean you get to hunt my place" People have no idea what it costs me to provide the benefit to the wildlife that I do. Not only is there the work I do to benefit, such as food plots, burns, interseeding, wildlife plantings, reducing predators, etc., but...
  9. M. R. Byrd

    Things I learned and Questions I have

    "The better the farmer, the less the pheasants" I can agree with that. My Ponderosa will never make the cover of Successful Farming, but I don't care and neither do the resident pheasants and quail here.
  10. M. R. Byrd

    Habitat, Crops Cover for Pheasants.

    Grasses and forbs and legumes are a good mix for overall upland bird propagation. I call fescue, lawn grass, it will provide a solid nearly impassible ground movement of birds. Big and little bluestem, switchgrass, and Indian grass are what I call clump grasses. These grasses after a few years...
  11. M. R. Byrd

    New Guy from Montana

  12. M. R. Byrd

    Future of CRP ?

    I have the water hydrant ready at the tree row with regulator and filter. The first operation is to plant the trees with the tree planter and the drip tape is laid with the planter in that operation. Now the drip tape is hooked to the water and water is let run until it comes out the other end...
  13. M. R. Byrd

    Future of CRP ?

    Here are some photos showing how I get tree and shrubs planted and going at the Ponderosa on a CRP contract. Plan to do some more in the next two years and hopefully there will be programs to help with cost share.
  14. M. R. Byrd

    Future of CRP ?

    The most assistance I have ever gotten was back in the 80's from the Dodge City Chapter of Quail Unlimited. I don't know if the corruption at QU's headquarters was as bad as it was at the end, but the local chapter sure helped me and other farmers especially with cover crop seed. There was a lot...
  15. M. R. Byrd


    I don't know your location. I posted on the "Millet" thread about a food plot mix I used this year. I like the mix of milo, plus the taller canes and millets in that mix. I would check with the extension office in your area for the planting rates. If it is planted too thick and the moisture...
  16. M. R. Byrd

    Pheasant Fest 2025 KC

    I hear you. For the last 45 years I have bought bacon wrapped filets from Kirby Meat in Dodge for Christmas Eve. It is my grandkids favorite meal. Spent a couple years in SE Kansas(Frontenac with the mafia) and enjoyed the chicken in that area, especially Chicken Anne's.
  17. M. R. Byrd

    Pheasant Fest 2025 KC

    Someone had mentioned Jess & Jim's to me. Looked at their menu and it looks more my style. Don't get me wrong, I will eat one of those $100 steaks if someone else is buying, but I don't really get it spending that kind of money. Next time I am in KC and someone wants to buy me a steak I will...
  18. M. R. Byrd

    Pheasant Fest 2025 KC

    I hope the natives will chime in on that. I have yet to have a steak in KC better than the ones I cook for our Christmas Eve dinner, but I am sure I haven't found the place yet, but would like to know.
  19. M. R. Byrd

    Pheasant Fest 2025 KC

    I enjoy bbq when I am in KC. I haven't been to Slap's, Danny Edwards or Meat Mitch, I will have to try them and haven't heard of Scott's Kitchen, so will add it to my list. At Joe's I get the Z Man Sandwich and share an order of fries. Burnt Ends, when available, are awesome. At Q39 I get the...