Search results

  1. M

    Flinty Hills

    Whether it's "good" or "bad" is all about your objective. The ranchers' very understandable objective is max weight gains on their herds. With that as an objective, annual burning and early intensive grazing is a pretty good system. I'm not informed enough to know whether it's "best" for...
  2. M

    Cimarron this weekend?

    Assuming you live east of CNG it's snowing snowing right now across some of your route. We're not supposed to get much though. I think Wichita is forecast for 1"-3". I'm pretty sure the highways were clear before today's snow. Yesterday from Wichita to Hutch was perfect. Roads in town, not...
  3. M

    Slowing your dog

    Not sure. I've had 3 now, and all have done it to some degree. I didn't intentionally train them for it, but whether we realize it or not we are ALWAYS communicating with our dogs about what is and isn't acceptable/pleasing. Maybe it's that.
  4. M

    Slowing your dog

    My old lab was pretty good most of the time. When she broke it was almost always in milo stubble. Those birds will cover some ground running between the rows. I haven't hunted milo stubble in years for a variety of reasons. My vizslas slow down when they get fresh scent. There's usually a...
  5. M

    Missing GSH's near Ulysses

    GPS collars are way cheaper than a dog will cost. The peace of mind is worth it. The reduced noise while hunting is worth it. The confidence to run two dogs at once is worth it. I saw the value pretty quickly when I replaced a lab with my first vizsla. And Vizslas don't even run like some...
  6. M

    Enough hunting sortof

    And staying below the possession limits is a serious accomplishment if the hunting is even decent.
  7. M

    Enough hunting sortof

    Sounds like a great fall and winter. I don't think my wife would be on board for an extended road trip like that. Enjoy it while you can!
  8. M

    Report from NW Googled the same thing and found this. There's also the cameras at I wish there were a camera or two closer to the areas I hunt.
  9. M

    Sheriff called on me

    There's a piece of ground I can access that has similar issues. The landowner always gives me permission when I call. He owns the whole quarter except a 17 acre chunk with a house and some outbuildings. There's a shelterbelt that starts right on the property line, 35 yards from his back door...
  10. M

    Sheriff called on me

    I'm glad they found and caught the perps. Seems like a just sentence was handed down. That's a lot of law enforcement resources expended for what many (not me) would describe as minor crimes. It's amazing what law enforcement can do these days.
  11. M

    Post your pictures

    There's always a lot of talk about Kansas' WIHA program. This was my Friday hunt. 1 pheasant, 4 quail, all from WIHA, hunting by myself for about 4 hours. With results like that this late in the season, I'll thank them for the program rather than shame them for it.
  12. M

    First Time Kansas Trip Report

    I'd say that's a pretty good result for your first trip. Congratulations. Stay ready until you're standing on the road by the truck. That's a lesson pheasants will teach you every year until you learn it for good. Also, walk all the way to the corner. I've had the same experiences with...
  13. M

    Hunting accident in Harvey County

    I heard that there was a fatal hunting accident on the radio yesterday morning. There were no details in the report I heard; I assumed it was related to rifle deer hunting since that season was open through Sunday. It's tragic regardless of how it happened. It's also a great reminder to...
  14. M

    How tough are these birds?

    I've seen the delayed drop with pheasants as others have mentioned, but also with doves and quail. Much less frequently with those species. As for tough roosters, our group shot one a couple of years ago that was missing a foot and part of the lower leg. It was just a healed-over stump.
  15. M

    2 day walk in trip

    I noticed that too. I'm not sure I would recognize an enrolled pasture if I drove by one.
  16. M


    Some pen-raised birds make it. Maybe encounters with wild birds helps. However, I worry about the long-term impacts of the mixture of pen-raised DNA with wild. "Wild" mallards on the east coast are virtually all hybrids of wild and surviving pen-raised. The genes of these surviving...
  17. M

    2 day walk in trip

    First, I have no opinion on North Dakota. I have never hunted there. Second, with respect to Kansas, it's worth remembering that WIHA is not exclusively an upland bird program. KDWP enrolls land for a variety of species. Although I have hunted SD WIA/CREP, I've never read anything that...
  18. M

    Front feet??

    I bought an inner tube to experiment with that. If I ever decide to boot my dogs I hope I can find it!
  19. M

    This one made my head spin

    Bird could have been winged on a neighboring property or experienced hunting pressure there. Bird could also be a survivor of last year's season. Plenty of possibilities.
  20. M

    Scale Quail

    Should add that the CNG office also told me that the south side of the "river" was best.