Search results

  1. D

    weekend reports!!

    OK, I went out yesterday in northeastern CO. I was pretty far west and north (Logan and weld counties) so not in best pheasant area, but in an area a few years ago I could get a bird or two. I saw a few birds around, but they are still pretty far and few between. I did manage to bag one, but...
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    2020/2021 Pheasant Phorcast

    I agree the corners program is great. I’m with a Pheasants Forever chapter and we’ve contributed toward funding for the program. I think the program will continue to expand as one of the intents was to help offset the loss of CRP. If we’d be fortunate to see CRP expand again along with the...
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    2020/2021 Pheasant Phorcast

    It’s good to hear there are still some birds around. We just need to hope and pray this drought breaks and doesn’t go another year (or more). Also, hunters need to help advocate for an expanded/improved CRP. Due to poor rental rates for participating landowners the current CRP is not in good...
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    I’m pretty well supplied right now so haven’t been looking - have you tried looking for sources over at
  5. D

    Opening day

    Thanks for your report - it sounds like you gave it a good go. I haven’t even been out yet in CO and may not even go. I’ve heard a few reports and they range from poor to piss poor....
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    Favorite O/U 16 gauge?

    That FaustI is indeed a sleek, beautiful gun!
  7. D

    Favorite O/U 16 gauge?

    I was on a 16 o/u search for quite awhile and earlier this year settled on a 2018 (Shot Show special) Citori White Lightning. 28” barrel and weighs 6 lbs 14 oz. It was traded in at the local Scheels in new condition and was $1499. Well worth that price - I love this gun. If the Citori‘s fit I...
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    2020/2021 Pheasant Phorcast

    Sig - thanks for your great information. I’ve hunted eastern CO and neighboring states for several decades. I’ll likely skip the entire season in CO this year. Despite the efforts of Pheasants Forever and Parks and Wildlife, pheasant hunting continues to decline in eastern CO. Its difficult...
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    Very Few Pheasants

    Hi, Native Nebraskan here who gets back to the home state to hunt a few times each year. Just returned from a long week-end trip in Furnas County. I have hunted that area many times over the years but this was the first time in 4 years. It was sad to see the pheasants are really far and few...
  10. D

    Getting back to CO pheasants (and quail)....

    Have appreciated reading the threads about the elusive duskies. Phez and quail season is now rapidly approaching although the weather doesn't feel like it much yet. For those that have been out in pheasant and quail country in eastern CO, what are you seeing out there and what kind of season...
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    Any luck with pheasants in Wyo?

    I live in nearby northern Colorado and just wondering if anyone has done any good on phez in Wyo this year? Thanks
  12. D

    No New Farm Bill (again) - What's Next?

    Well, the latest extension to the 2008 Farm Bill (September 30) has come and gone, and Congress has not been able to pass a new one. In fact they have not been able to pass one in 2 years. So what is next? I follow this issue somewhat but I do not consider myself an expert. I am not in...
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    Check classified ads - nice over/under for sale in Fort Collins

    I just posted a nice Remington 332 12 ga. over/under for sale in this Forum's classifieds - please check it out, the gun is in Fort Collins....
  14. D

    FS: Remington 332 o/u 12 ga.

    For sale is a nice Remington 332 o/u 12 ga. 3" shotgun. 28" barrel with 3 screw-in chokes. Great looking walnut stock. Made in USA. Excellent condition with original box and manuals (I am the original owner). $1050/offer plus actual cost of shipping.
  15. D

    Any quail?

    Just wondering if anyone is running across any quail so far this year. I haven't but have not really been in quail areas.... Thanks
  16. D

    Northern Colorado Pheasants Forever fundraising banquet

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum but certainly not new to pheasant hunting in Colorado (or surrounding states). There seems to be some very good folks on this forum. I try to give back to the sport of pheasant/upland bird hunting that gives me so much enjoyment in my life. One primary way I do...