Search results

  1. Ryedog

    English setter lines

    Take a look at Berg Brothers Setters. Well regarded.
  2. Ryedog

    English Setters

    Not all white, but does have a black eye patch (3 months old).
  3. Ryedog

    Warmest supple gloves for 15 degree weather

    I use the Fox River wool gripper gloves, they also sell a fingerless version...
  4. Ryedog

    Midway Shells - Clearance Pricing

    MidwayUSA has a number of popular upland shells on clearance. Attached is a link to some of the more heavily discounted 12 gauge shells. There's also a free shipping code for orders over $99...
  5. Ryedog

    Dog story in the last PF Journal

    Attached is an earlier story (before the accident) of the owner and dog involved.
  6. Ryedog

    Can you help with what's in the crop

    Looks like wheat.
  7. Ryedog

    Model 700 Remington's

    I was the original owner of mine and it was unaltered. I probably shot it 100 to 150 times without a problem before my "incident". When it was returned, the gun store owner flipped the safety back and forth for 2 or 3 minutes before triggering the firing pin. The CNBC piece can be found on...
  8. Ryedog

    Model 700 Remington's

    Same happened to me with a 700 (243) back in the 80's (way before the recall). Getting ready to shoot a whitetail and it went off as soon as the safety was moved. Returned it to the place of purchase. The store owner didn't believe me until he was able to replicate it (unloaded).
  9. Ryedog

    Most creative/memorable No Trespassing/Posted signs.

    This seems to get peoples attention. I remember seeing a hand written one years ago in SD. It simply read "Trespassers Will Be Violated".
  10. Ryedog

    Pheasant Draw/IPLA Hunts

    Both are large multi unit properties. I hunted Pine Creek unit 4 in 2017. Good varied habitat including cattails and tall grasses. Bird numbers seemed somewhat low for the quality of habitat, but we did get 2. I did get selected for Goose Creek unit 1 next month. Any insights would be appreciated.
  11. Ryedog

    Pheasant Draw/IPLA Hunts

    The December GBA draw results are now available (through the IDNR website).
  12. Ryedog

    Great trip to SD

    Enjoyed reading - Thanks!