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  1. Miforester


    What are guys using for their video cameras, in the market for an upgrade. Wondering if anyone is using anything other than a gopro? Also you have chosen the camera your using. Searched to see if there were other posts on this subject but didn't find any. Thanks in advance.
  2. Miforester

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all you pheasant junkies and your families that support our addiction.
  3. Miforester

    December 2024 Hunt (Somewhat Long Post)

    Just returned from my second trip to SD, this one was with my son and his buddy. We hunted 12/16-12/20, our base of operations is in Redfield at an Airbnb that is dog friendly and a great place to stay, then we hunt a 2 hr radius. We had a successful trip bagging 32 birds, this includes 5...
  4. Miforester

    Nebraska/SD/Puppy Trip - Long Post

    I had planned a trip to hunt Nebraska the week of Veterans Day as my wife was going to ride our and visit our grandson and other family. Just like Michigan weather just wait five minutes and it will change, my wife was unable to make the trip and I had bought a French britt puppy from my buddy...
  5. Miforester

    Newest Family Member

    Would like to introduce you to Vera, she is out of Hokempoke Kennels in Pawleys Island SC. She is 11 weeks old and I will be picking her up next week when I'm in Nebraska. She will be my first French Brittany. Looking forward to sharing our memories on this site!
  6. Miforester

    Saying Goodbye

    Had to say goodbye to my princess. She started out as a graduation gift for my wife for receiving her bachelor's. Ellie was a great waterfowl and upland dog. She learned to point from hunting with my britt and also knew what the point beep meant, she would run and flush the pointed bird, much...
  7. Miforester

    Spring Storm

    How much snow git dumped in
  8. Miforester

    Happy New Year

    Wishing all you upland bird addicts a safe and propous new year. Continued success on your late upland season. I hope to meet more members in person in 2024. I truly enjoy this forum. Tom
  9. Miforester

    End Of Bird Season

    So my bird season is done for 2023. It has been a good year for both my personal hunting and guiding. Dogs got a fair amount of bird contacts, we moved 50 grouse over 20 point, 125 wc over 79 points and 191 pheasant over 61 points. Hunted roughly 30 hour and walked 37 miles in the grouse...
  10. Miforester

    Second SD Trip Report

    Finally getting around to posting our hunting trip report. My son (Thomas), his friend (Jaden) and I hunted the week of Dec 18th. You couldn't have asked for any better weather for middle of December almost too good for hunting. This was the first time my son's friend has ever hunted...
  11. Miforester


    Did SD do away this allowing a late purchased 23 license (mid-dec) to be used in 23 and next 5 days in 2024 season? I think they have as I can't find any info. Thanks in advance.
  12. Miforester

    First Hunt

    Mistakenly posted my first SD hunt in the general pheasant hunting page. Had a great week of hunting from 11/13 to 11/16, left a day early. Hunted 10 different sites both public and private. Had 18 points, flushed/moved 64 birds and harvested 12. Enjoyed a day in the field with Dakotazeb...
  13. Miforester

    2023 1st Trip Report (Long post)

    Sorry probably should be in the SD page. I made the trek to SD this past week. Arrived Saturday night (11/11) and used Sunday as a day to relax, run errands and scout private land I can hunt. I did run the dogs on a WPA and regretted not starting my license on Sunday as my rat pack started...
  14. Miforester

    Short Trip

    Well my son and I headed out to Nebraska this past Sunday hoping the weather forecast was not going to be as bad as they predicted. We hunted three places on Monday and moved 3 covey's, a flock of prairie chickens and a few pheasants. We were able to harvest 6 quail and missed our only two...
  15. Miforester

    2022 Hunt Report Nov 7 to 11 *Warning Long Post*

    Day 1 First spot was CREP. As we moved thru the field a bird flush way ahead, far enough I couldn't tell what it was. We progress on and Bella started getting birdy and my other two were working her flanks. I was sticking with her when I looked to my left and Remi stopped and a rooster busted...
  16. Miforester

    Meet Ms Remi

    Picked up Ms Remi today, she is just over 7 weeks old. My other dogs are trying to adjust, while gently establishing the pecking order.
  17. Miforester

    SE Michigan Brittany Litter

    Posting for a buddy of mine. Jeff can provide more information and pic/videos of stud if you want.
  18. Miforester

    Progressive Hunting Season Stats

    One year for Christmas when I was a teenager I received a hunting log and being a typical teenager I didn't always record my hunts like I do today. I have kept stats for of and on for the better par 30 years. Major gap was when my family was young and I was coaching my son in travel hockey and...
  19. Miforester

    December Hunts

    My son and I made a trip out to the Faulkton area for a late season hunt, Dec 20 thru 25th. The trip was a great time on several accounts and also was a bummer on another account. The weather was fantastic with highs ranging from the 20's to mid 40's with variable winds all week. Best part...
  20. Miforester

    The Breeder Search is on!

    Looking for some help with Brittany Breeders. The gentlemen I got 4 brittany's from has retired and I'm starting the search for a new breeder. I have been in contact with a couple so far but wanted to solicit input from the forum participants as well. Don't bother with different breeds only...