Search results

  1. E

    What is a good quail hunt?

    I’ve done a lot of pheasant hunting over the years but I’ve only quail hunted a few days in 2023 and again about a week ago. Both times I was in Nebraska, which I know is not prime quail country. I found 5 decent sized coveys in 3 days on this most recent trip, similar in 2023. I have a 5yr...
  2. E

    Dog Boots

    Hi guys, I hunted last fall in the Dickinson area and I’m going back later this week. I ran into some sand burrs but didn’t realize it until the dog had quite a few stuck bad. I put his boots on and we finished the trip ok. For those of you that hunt in that area is that common? Do you guys...
  3. E

    Quail in the snow?

    I’m a very green quail hunter. How much snow is too much to bother hunting quail in?
  4. E

    Vintage/older Over Unders

    I know there are lots of options out there for vintage side by sides but does anyone have any recommendations for an older or vintage over under? I have a newer over under that I like, but I’d like to find something eventually that has some history.
  5. E

    Best cover type for pointing dogs

    As we get closer to the late season but currently minimal snow, what cover types does everyone prefer for pointers? Cattails? Tall bluestem? Woody cover? Brome? CRP type grass? Foodplots? Others?
  6. E

    GSP bumping birds

    This probably belongs in the bird dog forum but I figured it would get more visibility in the pheasant hunting forum. I have a GSP that is in his 3rd season now. I have hunted a lot of wild pheasants with him and some put and take pre-released state birds. He has always done a lot foot scent...