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  1. K

    12/23 pheasant report south central

    Thanks for sharing your hunt with us , sound like a great time . That’s what I am after to see birds and to see if Me and the dogs can outwit them . Sounds like great habitat too !!!
  2. K

    Trying to get my nephew a bird

    Here are some things that have worked for a few younger hunters I have brought along . If hunting with dogs let him know what the dog body language looks like when he is starting track birds (getting birdy) He will be more prepared for the shot . When my dog start following birds I anticipate...
  3. K

    Thunderstorm roosters!!!!!😎

    That’s something about them cackling like that I will have to remember that a good way to narrow down where they are at . Send pictures if you can !!!
  4. K


    What area of state are you in? Hope power comes back soon , 90 is really ripping it .
  5. K

    Fresh snow for a great morning hunt

    Nice hunt always like getting out on that first snow of the year and getting after them , makes this 56 year old feel like I was back in high school hunting birds . Keep feeding that pup !!!
  6. K

    From Shell Burner to Shooting Clinic

    Above pictures are of my young hunting Buddy early in his hunting career when he got the nickname shell -burner ,I had him set up to my right on a dove waterhole shoot and when I checked on him he had a big pile of spent shells and very few dove . Fast forward to this last weekend youth Upland...
  7. K

    Shooting Pheasants

    Well put 5 stand , put the shot on them where the green circle is and little else matters .
  8. K

    Kansas season

    Wow averaging moving over 10 covies a trip that’s great !!! I bet you had some good dog work to !!!
  9. K

    Boot Leather , Brush and Brittany’s End of the Season

    I agree with the how spotty the pheasants were , I was happy I bought a flat of some of my favorite shells 2 years Back , things were slim pickings for lead pheasant loads this year .
  10. K

    When to train

    My best dog I have , hashad the opportunity to be a puppy for the first year , It what Delmar Smith call “Happy Timing “ In the book “The Best way To Train Your Bird Dog “ The Delmar Smith Method By Bill Tarrant is the approach think works best . There is informal training going on while he is...
  11. K

    Boot Leather , Brush and Brittany’s End of the Season

    When I got back home to Topeka, I about had to re-learn to drive , I really enjoy easing down the back roads of rural /western part of the state where the pace of life is not quite so hectic How did everybody’s else’s season end up ?
  12. K

    Boot Leather , Brush and Brittany’s End of the Season

    Tired Britt Gets to ride Co- pilot on the trip back home .
  13. K

    Boot Leather , Brush and Brittany’s End of the Season

    Wish we had a better in the feild picture , I got caught up being in the moment enjoying God’s Great Outdoors .
  14. K

    Boot Leather , Brush and Brittany’s End of the Season

    Boot leather Had a good wrap up to the season but hit it hard for two days straight sun up to sun down . A little over 29,000 steps on Friday and 14 ,000 plus on Saturday . Saturday we had two trucks and very little dead heading . Brush and the Cover . We found birds in and on the edge of...
  15. K

    First time bird dog questions

    All above good advice , Out of the breeds you have hunted with what did you enjoy the most ? Style , run , backing , how smart the dog is , Cautious when working birds , range ? The advice of taking whatever breed you like best with you most everywhere you go is a great idea , start it as a...
  16. K


    Hunted the area you talked about , expect some well educated birds , plan on wearing some boot leather . Your approach will be important get set up dog collars on , no slamming doors , quite approach the best . Just came back from that area hunted on my own 2 Britt’s 2 1/2 days hunting hard ...
  17. K

    Not my day.

    I bet anything that’s where he went , had the same thing happen several years ago in a weedy wheat feild , my friends wire hair started digging and barking , my French Brittany went in and came out with tail feathers , I sent my smallest britt in and she came out with a very lively rooster ...
  18. K

    Hays area??

    Here is a picture from this morning , this bird was taken within the area you spoke of , there weren’t tons of birds . They were skittish . I hunted that general area Friday and Saturday morning and wound up with 5 Quail and 2 roosters hunted on my own with 2 Brits . They are there not in huge...
  19. K

    Hays area??
