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    Vikings game

    Darnold did not look comfortable under duress. However, I felt the o-line did not play well in the last two games. Perhaps opposing teams found something to exploit differently than before?
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    Anyone use bird bags like this?

    I have something similar. It won’t hold 3 pheasants but probably would hold 2 stone dead pheasants. I use mine more often on 4 hour grouse hunts in East TN. Anything more than 4 hours and I find that I need snacks and more water than the bird belt would hold. It holds 3 grouse comfortably...
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    Dogs over 10

    My 12 year old hunted about 2 hours every morning was ready to be crated in the vehicle (warm cozy pad) and ready for about an hour late in the day during our mid-west trip this year. She found a cripple for me that we would have never found (I was standing 4 inches from it). The last day was...
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    Injured front toe

    I understand your frustration but you are right to take the full time to let him heal. You don't want to have long term complications.
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    Dog Trainers near Central Indiana

    I let my brother know of your generous offer. He needs to delay contacting you at this moment as he had a surgical procedure completed just last week and had complications from infection after that. He is laid up. Once he gets back on this feet, he will contact you. Thank you very much.
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    Dog Trainers near Central Indiana

    A younger rescue setter. He will point and back but not yet great at either. He has been bad about staying at home when loose but that is getting better. I assume a number of rescues may not know where they belong when they are re-homed. My brother has had some temporary (hopefully) medical...
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    Dog Trainers near Central Indiana

    That is a great idea. I will pass that along.
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    Dog Trainers near Central Indiana

    Thanks, again. I never mentioned - my brother lives just north of Indy and is having some issue with one younger dog. He is monitoring this thread and told me he would contact one or both of these.
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    Pheasant report from weekend

    I suspect that is a favor that you enjoyed doing for your friend!
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    Need some help my best bud lost his hearing

    I am of the opinion that some beeper collars do contribute to old age hearing loss. I had one collar that I glued 1 inch PVC to each speaker and then stuffed the PVC with some amount of cotton to deaden the volume. Not sure how effective that was but that dog lived to 15 without any hearing...
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    Dog Trainers near Central Indiana

    Thank you.
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    Rex Specs- Again

    I have a pair and a setter that needs to wear them but I did not get them until she was an adult. She always has bleeding around her eyes after a couple of half day hunts- she really does not mind busting brush at 11 years old. however, she does not tolerate them very long. I would think...
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    Dog Trainers near Central Indiana

    Looking for any leads for trainers for the pointing breeds near Central Indiana. Any leads? Thanks.
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    Garmin Alpha 300 Lanyard

    I have one of the many cases that have a clip on the back to attach to my strap vest. I mainly keep up with the dogs with a Garmin Fenix watch to I am not looking at my screen very much.
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    L. C. Smith side by side 16 ga.

    Nothing as spectacular as that LC Smith- but my first gun holds a place near and dear to my heart. The Remington 1100 28 gauge my parents gave to me at Christmas when I was 10 year old. I still get that little thing out every year or so and try to hit something with it.
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    "Thank you" for access to land?

    I will sometimes ask if I can do anything for the land owner or offer them a turkey for the holidays. Sometimes, you have to "read the room". Some people are friendly enough but do not need to spend any needless time with someone they don't really know.
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    Indiana Bird Hunter

    Welcome. Grew up between Indy and Fort Wayne just off I69.
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    Dogs Change, I Guess

    My old setter (12) growls in bed, too. It started after she was spayed but I did that very late in life (10). Not sure I have an opinion on that angle. I always thought she was being a little grouchy. It is a little comical because she has no intention of doing anything but being vocal with...
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    Saying Goodbye

    If that look is not "Love", I don't know what it supposed to look like....
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    How often do you hunt pheasants?

    My IA hunt last year featured the worst bird contacts in 46 years due to a couple of well-known challenges. We lost our 2 or our top three pieces of private ground to farming and change of ownership. We had been privileged to hunt those two pieces of ground for 30-some and 46 years. My...