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    Reservation hunting

    Looks like it’s $75.
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    Lead shot ban (DFL introduced bills) opposed by MN State HS Clay Target League

    I’m always surprised that sportspeople are opposing to banning repeatedly spraying a toxin into the environment, by definition where fish and wildlife are found. The market has shown viable alternatives to toxin lead will be developed and brought to market for a reasonable price. Denial isn’t a...
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    SD trip 2023

    I’m glad you have it all figured out and are here to tell us what to do/think.
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    More rain! Widespread!

    My 95 yr old farmer friend has always told me grasshoppers are good for pheasants. I have always wondered if he means that literally, or if good conditions for grasshoppers are also good conditions for pheasants. Like maybe the pheasants eat other, smaller bugs that thrive when grasshoppers...
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    Cold rain

    It’s 39 and raining in north central SD. Any thoughts on how this will impact nesting? My understanding is most hens will be on their nests about now. Maybe it is early enough not to be too big a deal? Hopeful. Delusional?
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    2021 Opener

    What do you guys make of this?
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    2021 Opener

    This is very strange, but the DNR website says the date will be released on August 2. Never seen this before.
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    New Member

    If you don’t have luck on public land, consider quietly and slowly walking roadside ditches along corn fields and you should do just fine, especially towards the end of the day.
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    Haymaker, sounds like you aren’t aware of any weather events in the last 12 months that would cause a major pheasant kill. That’s good news and I will report what I encounter after my trip next week. Also hoping some water in the area opens back up for waterfowl.
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    My farmer buddy closer to Roscoe said they only saw 2 roosters over 2 weeks of harvesting corn and beans. They are very upset the birds appear to have completely disappeared. They told me not to come out, but I’ll be there anyway. If for no other reason than to say hi and walk the land.
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    SD Public Land Poll

    10% but it could be a lot more. Our area has some prime and remote public land that doesn’t seem to be hammered too hard.
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    Vet Recommendation - Metro Area

    I used Westgate (43rd & France) when I had my springer, and they were pretty good, but I just reached out to a friend who strongly suggested finding a vet outside of Edina. Too expensive here and most “treat dogs like humans.” Not sure that is a horrible thing. Sorry I don’t have more insights.