Search results

  1. onpoint

    22 Rimfire ammo

    What's your favorite/best brand/load for your rimfire. I like Remington Golden Bullet Remington Yellow Jacket HP CCI Stinger
  2. onpoint

    The future of down sizing the ranch

    A must see
  3. onpoint

    Medicare requiring information on guns in your home

    My wife was talking with her father who is now 70 years old. He was in Perrier South Dakota to see the doctor the other day. He was given a questionnaire to fill out. One of the questions was how many guns he had in the house. Well, he was all in a up roar about current Admin requiring this...
  4. onpoint

    The "Widow Maker

    Picking up a "Widow Maker" this week. I like to hunt with things that make people go..HA?
  5. onpoint

    22 rifles

    What kind of small game getter(s) have you got? I just bought a sweet Ruger 10/22 haven't even got my hands on it yet. For near 30 years I have shot a Marlin model 60 tube feed. It's killed a ton of meat, including beef, hogs, sheep, Etc. Still works well in warm weather but it's slowing...
  6. onpoint

    A have to watch...OMG I'm laughing New meaning to the words Dumb Blonde :10sign:
  7. onpoint

    Custom 25-20 SxS being built Quit interesting:thumbsup:
  8. onpoint

    How much scatter gun ammo do you usally keep on hand?

    I usually have at least a 100 boxes on hand total between all gauges. Don't like to fall below that. I have seen times when supply is threatened or prices climb through the roof. Just picked up another case of 20ga 2.75" 1oz heavy game loads in #6..$5.99 a box. Might go get some more. I need...
  9. onpoint

    Move to raise all hunting, fishing and boating fee's, Federal duck stamp too 60+ Groups Back Hunting, Fishing License Fee Hikes Game and Fish Fund projected to go into red Updated: Tuesday, 13 Mar 2012, 3:54 PM CDT Published : Tuesday, 13 Mar 2012, 3:54 PM...
  10. onpoint

    Gun auction feed back

    What would you do? As some of you know, I bought a 97 Winchester on a gun auction back on the 2nd of this month. Here's my issues The seller has a A+ Rating with over 160 things sold on the site. My issue is, the seller had no fax machine to fax the FFL to. He wanted a U.S. postal money...
  11. onpoint

    Here's what unbridled big Ag can do

    Two years of record rains, followed by knee jerk reactions by those with other interests. Lead to the only water continuing to feed the Salton Sea was farm run off. A resort and fishing paradise in the 50's and 60's. Now a waste land toxic sea The...
  12. onpoint

    Strip them of their title, confiscate rings and ban them from 2012-2013 season New Orleans Saints players and at least one assistant coach maintained a bounty program the last three seasons for inflicting game-ending injuries on...
  13. onpoint

    The Winchester New Haven plant today(pics)!i=1090525411&k=XT2j6 Interesting 199 photo's
  14. onpoint

    SKB out of business? I'm not too sure about that

    I have said that their web-site is still up and running with new guns being advertised. Just for yucks I ordered a new catalog. Arrived in the mail today. I don't think company's who are out of business send you new catalogs. They have a nice little line up of guns in it, all O/U's. along with...
  15. onpoint

    FC Springer...check these guys out

    I don't know the story or where this photo came from but FANTASTIC JOB GUYS!! :10sign:
  16. onpoint

    Cold rain, freezing rain and sleet, tough on the birds

    This is not good news for the remaining birds who have made it this far through the winter. Report what it's doing where you are through this storm in SoDak. Watch it from around the state on the DOT traffic camera's
  17. onpoint

    Finally located

    Another long search(a number of years) and I have finally located yet another classic. Now, if I can only get the bid and not get out $$$$$$$$$$. Only one bidder as of now. I'll keep you posted....3 days and counting
  18. onpoint

    Wanted, 16ga 1.25oz lead shot loads

    What you have and how much?
  19. onpoint

    Man show deer prank :laugh::laugh:
  20. onpoint

    South Dakota man falls through ice on Missouri River, diesi

    South Dakota man falls through ice on Missouri River, dies, trying to save his dog Read more: