Search results

  1. O

    Odd Partners in Conservation?

    I guess it's just me but I find it ironic and striking that two of our partners in conservation are Catapillar tractor, with DU, and Monsato, ( put on the PF site, in very small print), with Pheasants Forever. I suppose we should be glad for help from all sources, but it's hard to believe that...
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    Hammatack National Wildlife Refuge

    Sound good doesn't? 11,000 acres in Illinois-Wisconsin. I here the announcement was made in August, that the USFG is commiting to by property from willing sellers and commit to the project. This should be of interst for all the Chicago area sportsmen as this is an area with good pheasant...
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    Ethanol going forward

    The new bill being debated about continuing ethanol subsidy which is due a week behind the Presidential election looks like it will pass. Both parties are in favor. I would be apposed if it were the same old tired bad idea corn distillery. What we have here is a turn away in part from corn, with...
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    Agriculture is so advanced egological consequences are history?

    I came across this from yesterday. As we all know the "great dust storms" of the dirty 30's were the world's only man-made ecological disasters. We get told that we are light years ahead of productionwise, these kind of things are gone, because of enlightened management. A couple of dry years...
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    Like ethanol? Get fond of food prices , taxes, good by pheasants

    I found a web sight from Huffington Post ( I am sure a lot of you distrust this websight as Dick Cheney said so). But because our gamebird population is dependent upon what we do farming, I belief this is appropriate. In short ethanol is a loser, we lose do to high commodity prices, we lose on...
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    Marsh choked to death! Help!

    I had an occasion to join a duck club locally. I new about it forever, close and has been good performer. 80 acres, mostly floodable, and diked. What I saw was kind of a mess. The new guys there have started the reclamation. Mowing, even burning, hot enough to cost us some blinds! The cord grass...
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    June is the Month!

    I hope with dry weather we are having, our quail/pheasant birds are at a place to get a decent hatch rate. Seems like the weather has changed, giving some credibility of a 10 year change to warm springs, temperant rains, like the 1960's. I have farmer/scouts out to report. I going out to some...
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    Long live the King! What dasturdly chemical will come next!

    With corn after corn, forget the "set a side 20% percent non GM crop, we ignore that, we have ushered in the age of the demise of GM crops. Western corn root worms are munching through the crops in 6 states, immune to roundup toxicity. Monsanto is dispatching agents, here and there, probably...
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    Health,(my own), Habitat, Upland Birds

    I needed to send a message, I guess the Missouri forum forum is my home so here I am. I am 58, on March 22, 2012, I had a stroke! By the time I woke up, I was I had no feeling in my left arm, and oddly enough my right leg, and I could not speak. There is a hospital here which has a stroke trauma...
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    Another contribution of from Concentrated Agriculture

    California's Salinas Valley nitrate poisoning of groundwater, via fertilizer and dairy runoff. Midwest states probably the same but don't want to do the test and find out. Enjoy. Probably just another exageration by a left wing leaning, liberal bias, anti farmer news rag...
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    Loss of a voice for Quail everywhere

    Sad news today, that Kim Price, publisher of Coveyrise Magazine, succumbed to a brief illness. He was 57. A leader in bringing focus on the plight and possible solutions to the decline of the bobwhite quail. The magazine will continue with the capable leadership of his brother. Coveyrise is a...
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    Wall Street finds the long ignored Ag. Sector

    Heaven help us all. The wall streeters have turned to the long moribund ag sector as as the big profit play, going forward. Having wrung the juice out of almost everything else, we will now enjoy the vision of wall street on not only commodity manipulation, and food prices, but even on farmland...
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    Best Dog and Tactics for hard hunted pheasants

    I thought it might be interesting to start a discussion as to the best tactics and dog combination for hard hunted public access pheasants. I consider the public land. walk-in pheasant, the biggest trophy available. I am fortunate to hunt a lot of private ground with unpressured birds also...
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    Growing rural legend for pheasant declines

    Recounted from a local farmers meeting, with a PF rep in attendence. Farmers voicing the opinion that the pesticide coating on seeds along with the talc used by air seeders are one cause of pheasant declines. According to the farmers, pesticide used to be Capstan? which was OK, now two...
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    Spinone Anyone

    I was wondering if anybody has experience with the breed. My goal is a a laid back household dog, good with cats, kids, softer tempered, easy to break, not really interested in fur chasing. I have Frenchie Britts now, have had several shorthairs, all turned out fine, but had a pre-occupation...
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    Food vs. Fuel, the rocky road ahead

    Little article I picked up and thought I'd share. Why your local corn grower should give you a big hug for your support. Also why you will find less pheasants and quail. See link below. This link will get you Choices Magazine, but not the article. Brief synopsis of the article, is that the bio...
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    New theory for quail

    I have a new variation on the quail recovery theory. I suggest that due to the current high cost of traditional farm ground. The reluctance of mainstream farmers to sacrifice any portion of ground for wildlife enhancement we should revisit some history, and look at alternatives. In most of our...
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    Finally it might be winter

    White crusty stuff forming on the road and lawn. Maybe the forsythia will stop trying to bloom now! Get my enthusiasm up for one more voyage to find some Missouri birds before the end.
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    A modest proposal

    Since we read the notice that due to the fact we are mostly aging dinosaurs and unable to support our sport going forward, I thought I would have some fun with this and make a modest suggestion, with apologies to George Bernard Shaw. Be it resolved that there is a shortage of funding for hunting...
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    Why we don't have any quail, and aren't likely to!

    I just read an article in Covey Rise, magazine, by the way I highly recommend it as a source reporting on quail hunting and quail habitat research, which reports that for a sustainable quail population, you need somewhere between 2500@ and 5000@, and a population of at least 800 birds. In most...