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  1. Hobie1026

    The Roosters are Killing Me!!

    I got skunked 2 trips in a row. Ever stood still in a field thinking to yourself “there has GOT to be a rooster in here,” the cover looked so good? I was doing that all day and never saw a bird. GPAs, hunted a WPA that had harvested corn on 3 sides. Flushed nothing but deer. Weekend after that...
  2. Hobie1026

    Black Pheasant: Wild or Stocked?

    Very cool picture, thanks for sharing that. I've never seen a black pheasant. Learned something new today! I'm with 5 Stand though, I'd still be trying to figure out what it was as it flew out of
  3. Hobie1026

    Feral cats

    I live across the street from a WIHA. My cats don’t suddenly become feral because they crossed the street. They do rodent control on my house and outbuildings. And they are pets. Some cats, you can’t keep inside No matter how hard you try. I’m supposed to escort them to the outbuildings? How...
  4. Hobie1026

    A Day in the Field

    Great story! You earned rooster #2, respect. 👍
  5. Hobie1026


    I wouldn’t bird hunt MT without it. The bma spots can get huge and it‘s nice to not have to guess where you are. For SD it wasn’t worth the money. The GFP app works great and OnX for SD doesn’t have landowner names, which would be really useful here. A plat map would be a better investment IMHO.
  6. Hobie1026

    First Rooster Of The Year...

    Handsome dogs, first rooster, fancy gun, whole lot of winning in that picture! The wood on that shotgun looks really nice. Great start to the season!
  7. Hobie1026

    Resident opener

    Thanks! He's 5 this year. He's doing really good this year, staying in range, checking in, finding the birds. We're communicating now. : ) I just wish he was as amped up to hunt dead and retrieve as he is to flush but that might come with time. Really appreciate your feedback about the older...
  8. Hobie1026

    Resident opener

    Here's my doofus FBESS with a couple roosters we managed to collect Sunday. Saturday was pretty tough for me. My older dog, who has always been my best hunter told me he's done. He followed me out of the field, which has never happened before. No interest in finding or flushing birds. So now he...
  9. Hobie1026

    Prairie Dogs

    Heed Remy’s advice. A friend asked me if I would help get rid of the pdogs in her pasture after a horse broke a leg. 1 outing later I’m dusting off the reloading equipment and googling precision barrels and stocks. ND seems to be the go-to spot for big towns on public land. OnX also has some...
  10. Hobie1026

    Chamberlain's "Un-hunted ring necks"

    I saw that same episode when it aired and I’ve been slightly obsessed with it ever since. I’m game to give it a shot next October. Already have more trips planned this year than I have time off. Anyone else?
  11. Hobie1026

    Resident opener

    I see you have impeccable taste in dogs as well! 👍
  12. Hobie1026

    UPH Hunt in South Dakota

    I would really like to do something like that. Sounds like fun.
  13. Hobie1026

    Ft Pierre Grasslands

    @Bretonpointer - Glad your dog is okay! @epagneulbrit - I apologize, I feel like I hijacked your thread. I'll start a new thread and get out of this one.
  14. Hobie1026


    I’ve had honey holes get blown up on the internet and shot Out. I only hunt public land, and spend close to a grand every summer in gas scouting. So when my spots get flagged on a forum I get a little upset. That said, I’ve IM’d people on this forum with info when they tried hard and just need...
  15. Hobie1026

    Ft Pierre Grasslands

    Purely temperature driven. At least 2 or 3 hard freezes is my rule of thumb. Snake boots and chaps, and vaccines for the dogs can temper the risk but honestly, that stuff is hot, uncomfortable, and I don't really like hunting until it's down around 40F. Prairie grouse opener is really just...
  16. Hobie1026

    Opening weekend...

    A little late but I've been busy! Was a good morning. Went into a field I had scouted a couple weeks earlier. Saw a couple coveys with about 10-15 birds take off and fly onto private land (of course...) while I waited with the dog for legal shooting time. Walked in and flushed a covey after...
  17. Hobie1026

    Ft Pierre Grasslands

    Glad you found birds! (y)
  18. Hobie1026

    Ft Pierre Grasslands

    Was out there yesterday and saw plenty of rattlers, but no grouse. Be careful guys.
  19. Hobie1026


    I camped in the Little Missouri National Grasslands just south of Williston for a couple years to hunt sharptails. It's free, uncrowded, and beautiful in spots, especially by the river. If you don't need services it's a good spot.
  20. Hobie1026

    Sellier and Bellot Red Pheasant loads

    No Red Pheasant listed on the mfg site: FWIW anywhere I can use lead, S&B is my go to shell. Long Range #5 for pheasants, 7 1/2s for everything else. I know they're not practical but I get sentimental whenever I see...