Went deer hunting this morning, and besides being with my father I did'nt have fun. Rushed to get in your spot, up early to see one little deer, and the being tired all day.
Call me crazy but, today we hunted about 16 miles of walking and only saw one rooster. We didnt shoot him, and let him fly and to me and my family thats a good days hunt. I'd do it over and over again. Just love being out with my dog and family.
So if the best way to work the dog and the wild birds are hours away, and you can only afford to drive all that way 3 or 4 times a season, what do you do in the time between? Not bird hunt, go to a pay to hunt?
I live and hunt here in Nebraska, and from the state and game and fish to the nrd I didn't see any improvment like they told everyone. Ans truthfully they said they have been building more habitat I actually saw less habitat. The weird thing is we had 8 guys hunting this weekend and 5 dogs. Saw...
So this person told me, you duck hunt and bird hunt. I said yep. He said those are two totally different kind of people. I said not I just hunt on land and water... haha