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  1. Upland4Ever


    Why all the sudden the big number boost in waterfowl hunters?
  2. Upland4Ever


    Does anyone have or use shorthairs on a still dove hunt? And how do they do?
  3. Upland4Ever

    What do you prefer

    Opening Pheasant day, or Opening Waterfowl?
  4. Upland4Ever

    Time is ticking

    Is pheasant and quail hunting going to only be on raised farms and ranch preserves before we know it? Or will it be around for years to come?
  5. Upland4Ever

    Dog Box

    Does anyone have a good idea what a good way for a dog box in a open box truck?
  6. Upland4Ever

    Louisiana Quail

    And Louisiana quail hunters? And how did you do this season?
  7. Upland4Ever

    Limited hunting

    If, you lived in a place with no birds, or just a few would you take up duck hunting, or hunt ranches?
  8. Upland4Ever


    what dog food do you feed your bird dog?
  9. Upland4Ever

    Do you feel bad?

    Of all of us that bird hunt with a lab, do you feel bad at all that either you don't like duck hunting or don't spend the time to take them duck hunting?
  10. Upland4Ever

    What are you doing now?

    Now that bird season is over what are you doing? Turkey Hunting, Snow Goose hunting? Fishing? Or are you just a hard working bird hunter?
  11. Upland4Ever

    Loyall and Country Vet

    I tell you what I have been very happy for loyall and country vet dog food.
  12. Upland4Ever


    Which has the oldest tradition, waterfowling, or bird hunting?
  13. Upland4Ever

    Last wild hunt of the year.

    It went good me and my father had a blast. You know you here the story of Nebraska not having any birds left. But I tell you what even though we only shoot one a piece, there was a wetland reed field we were walking out of, and when we got to the road it was the most heart pumping thing I"ve...
  14. Upland4Ever

    Headed out tomarrow

    Hitting the public spots hoping for some birds flushing.
  15. Upland4Ever

    The working of a dog.

    What is harder for a dog, water retrieve, or a flush/point with a retrieve?
  16. Upland4Ever


    When taking pictures when you hunt, do you mostly use a smart phone or a camara?
  17. Upland4Ever

    Land Owner

    So today I knock on 7 landowner doors to ask permission to hunt. And guess what they all said? Noooooooooo. You know sometimes you get to the point where maybe just out hunt preserves or start waterfowling again.
  18. Upland4Ever

    Huge Question

    If you lived in a state with low quail numbers and no pheasants, and could'nt travel out of state to offten, would you hunt to preseves in that state or take up other hunting?
  19. Upland4Ever

    Dream hunt

    If one hunt came up a SD pheasant or GA Quail hunt or a AR duck hunt would would you pick?
  20. Upland4Ever

    Down South

    So the wife keeps talking about moving down to Louisiana from here in Nebraska. If we did that theres only 3 preserves near the area. What the heck would I do.