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  1. Ky Setter man

    Porcupines On The Prairies

    Ive had my share of porkys in ND. Had them quilled in consecutive years from 09 to 12 but I think that was just a stubborn female who thought she was gonna kill the sucker that got her. Finally learned not to mess with them. Man she was her own worst enemy. Lol. But we see them about yearly ...
  2. Ky Setter man

    Birds Around Rugby?

    We get into a very good amount of pheasants every year. We are west of Rugby. Always have had sharpes and huns too but the last couple years those have almost doubled.
  3. Ky Setter man

    Birds Around Rugby?

    We hunt within 50 miles of there and we are into all 3 species. A lot! Shouldnt be no problem at all.
  4. Ky Setter man

    More pheasants than ever before!!

    Listen buddy. I dont say it , they say it. Internet super hero.
  5. Ky Setter man

    More pheasants than ever before!!

    If you took away supplanted birds what do the numbers look like then?
  6. Ky Setter man

    More pheasants than ever before!!

    Ive hunted about all the states that have peasants . Ive been in Mitchell,Huron ,Pierre in SD . Kansas ,Iowa in the good years ,late 90s early 2000s, Nebraska,and I can say that there is nowhere like ND. Ive never seen the amount of birds in any of the other states as ND. They sit in trees...
  7. Ky Setter man


    Ive held both the Trinity and TT15 in 20 ga. Trinity is a good half pound heavier than the TT15 . Feels a lot more bulky in the grip and forearm. But have not shot either in 20.
  8. Ky Setter man


    Damn maybe it was me drinking! Lol. Sorry guys. To close of names I guess.
  9. Ky Setter man


    Are you talking to yourself? You have answered your own texts. Tequilla? Lol
  10. Ky Setter man

    Boot Cleaner & Leather Conditioner

    Obenaufs is the best Ive found. My Danners are in awesome shape because of it.
  11. Ky Setter man

    Moving to....

    You are in a great area. Just knock on some doors. Been going to within 30 to 50 miles of there for over 15 years. Never been disapointed in numbers , just my shooting! Lol
  12. Ky Setter man


    Hasnt been with the 28.
  13. Ky Setter man

    2022/2023 PHEASANT Hunting Videos

    Depends on how they are trained. Dont think pointing dogs wont retrieve. I had a Setter that was tge best Ive seen. Water and all. He wouldnt quit .
  14. Ky Setter man

    Ammo for OLD SXS's

    I have 4 boxs of RST paper 16s. I foolishly let 2 boxs go to someone I didnt know, before things got short.
  15. Ky Setter man


    Just came back from Academy and looked at the 20 and 28 legacy o/u. Sorry to say and Im not putting it down but they arent even close to the Tristar TT15. Just felt bulky and cheaper. Ive had a Bobwhite and it was a nice gun but the wood just wasnt appealing to me. I have much more expensive...
  16. Ky Setter man


    I dont know. Never thought about flush chokes. Never had that problem with weeds and grass. Always have my barrels up. Just me I guess.
  17. Ky Setter man

    For your health

    In every way. Sorry
  18. Ky Setter man

    For your health

    I had 45 radiation treatments. Im very lucky because mine still functions in every eay. I guess they caught it early. My psa is now below 0.1. I started at 4.56. Its so low now that labcorps testing cant read it.
  19. Ky Setter man

    Ammo for OLD SXS's

    Yes, at least in Ky we can. Are you close to a Sheels? Always found some there
  20. Ky Setter man

    Ammo for OLD SXS's

    I use 1oz in my 16 Sterly , 1200 fps 2 3/4. Or RST 1 oz 21/2inch . 20 ga I use 1165 fps in 5s or 6s. Usually Winchester shells. I do have some 20 ga RST in 2 1/2 inch as well.