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  1. Powderhorn Jim

    Big fire supposedly started by hunters.

    Unfortunately a lot of hunters don't think about that catalytic converter hanging down there very close to the ground. If you want to get a cussing out from the locals, park your vehicle on dry grass/corn/soybeans, whatever will burn. Loss of life, loss of property, endangering good folks is not...
  2. Powderhorn Jim

    Most creative/memorable No Trespassing/Posted signs.

    The land behind this sign is MINED. No one ever gave it a try to my knowledge.
  3. Powderhorn Jim

    Non-toxic shot

    In South Dakota I don't mess with lead. To me it isn't worth it. I often hunt WIA's, GMA's, WPA's, and other private lands in one day. Life is too short to worry about whether I inadvertently dropped a lead shell into my vest pocket. All it takes is one. Life is too short. If I'm on one of my...
  4. Powderhorn Jim

    French Brittany Thoughts?

    My brother's last dog was a French Brittany. He got her because he had heard they were "close working" and he was getting older. Based upon one dog, which is just that, one dog, he was correct. She worked close, and handled well. He had spent a lot of time over his life training GSP's so he had...
  5. Powderhorn Jim

    Anyone Use the KDWP Garmin WIHA GPS Maps?

    I have "HuntStand", not OnX and can use that on my phone, but I still find an automotive GPS, along with the printed atlas, to be the least distracting and easiest to use. Also, Huntstand doesn't update there WIHA mapping until after the season it appears, so it is one year out of date. Not sure...
  6. Powderhorn Jim

    Liver Cancer in Dogs

    Unfortunately many dog owners face this dilemma. Every situation is different but for me it comes down to quality of life for the dog. You have to let the dog go with dignity. To keep him/her alive just to make yourself feel better is doing a disservice to the dog. It is oh so hard, but in the...
  7. Powderhorn Jim

    Garmin Pro Sport - Using Tone and Vibrate Mode

    I hunt mostly by myself with one or two labs. I use the e-collar primarily for range and return. Once they understand what the collar is and how it works, using light stimulation I train for range first, then return. When they understand that, I add the tone (or vibration if you prefer) as the...
  8. Powderhorn Jim

    Anyone Use the KDWP Garmin WIHA GPS Maps?

    I've gotten so used to loading WIHA (or other state's equivalent) mapping on my Garmin automotive GPS that I'm spoiled. It saves driving around with a map in my lap and even then missing a turn and getting lost (or at least "mis-directed"). I normally load North Dakota, South Dakota and Kansas...
  9. Powderhorn Jim

    Acl surgery

    One of our labs had both back knees "repaired" using the TPLO (read expensive) procedure. Considering the cost of the surgery and the dogs well being we followed the vet's advise and did not hunt her for either year of the surgery. The advise and our observations were that a minimum of 4 months...
  10. Powderhorn Jim

    About time for a new lab

    This was a very helpful thread to me so I thought I would update it with what happened. We lost our 11 year old lab in March of this year (2022). Broke our hearts but she had a good life, which is all we can hope for I guess. My wife was having health problems so we thought it best to hold off...
  11. Powderhorn Jim

    Suggestions on a lighter gun

    Exactly what I use. Works well for me. Light, absorbs recoil, very adjustable.
  12. Powderhorn Jim

    Rattlesnake Vaccine

    Our vets tell us that the "preventative" vaccine will reduce the symptoms of a bite and, importantly significantly reduce the costs of treatment after a bite. We don't have rattlesnakes where we live but we hunt where there can be snakes, even later in the season so we vaccinate. We talk to our...
  13. Powderhorn Jim

    Your favorite pheasant O/U

    I have to say that a Ruger Red Label "sporting clays" (30 in bbls) in 20 ga had to be the best pheasant shooter I ever had. It was heavy, though, so I sold it to save my old body. One year in Kansas (over the entire season) I killed 24 roosters with 25 shots. Never done that again with any gun.
  14. Powderhorn Jim

    All Hail the Mighty Ditch Hunter

    Ditches are enticing but I've seen so many bad situations where my dog would be in danger that I can't make myself hunt them. A pheasant is not worth a good dog. A couple of years ago my wife and I were hunting a WIHA in Kansas. It was bounded on one side by a county road. We hadn't seen a...
  15. Powderhorn Jim

    dog chow shortage

    Most dog foods have quite a bit of corn in them so I can see the tie - kinda.
  16. Powderhorn Jim

    Your favorite pheasant O/U

    Beretta 686 2-barrel set (20 and 28ga). Lately I've started hunting pheasants exclusively with the 28ga. I shoot it better, even though it is the same butt stock. I don't mind passing on long flushes as I just enjoy the hunt with my dogs. I have a Browning Cynergy Feather 20ga, which is a joy to...
  17. Powderhorn Jim

    Dog teeth cleaning?

    Up here in the mountains of Colorado vets are charging north of $600 for dog teeth cleaning (one vet gave us a price of $400 then had her tech corner me when I brought the dog in and told me that was only an "estimate" and the cost could go up to and over $1,000 - that was the last time for that...
  18. Powderhorn Jim

    SD in October - IC ok?

    The IC/M combination has been my "go to" in 20ga O/U's for well over 20 years. If I use a single barrel (currently a Franchi 20ga semi-auto) I always use IC. In 20ga I prefer 3 inch 1 1/4 oz #4 or #5. I hunt ND, SD and Kansas. No wild roosters are "easy". Choose your shots and shoot well. IC/M...
  19. Powderhorn Jim

    28 gauge ammo

    I have used the 28ga B&P 1 1/16 oz but felt it was "blowing" the pattern. I didn't bother to pattern the shell as I had 1oz Rio #6 and Fiocchi GP 7/8oz #5 available, both of which are good loads and kill pheasants if you hit them well. This year I started reloading 1oz 28ga with #5 and #6 nickel...
  20. Powderhorn Jim

    JSHFB004 is a scammer

    Thank you! I'm sure he'll try to come back under a new name, but at least he is gone for now. It is hard enough to navigate this world without these guys!