Search results

  1. Powderhorn Jim

    Glove review

    For some reason I always hunt with gloves. Warmth, stickers, whatever. I don't know how many pair I've gone through but my pickup looks like a used glove store. My current favorites are a pair of cheap hunting gloves I found at WalMart. I like them because they fit well, with now "alien fingers"...
  2. Powderhorn Jim

    Turn out the lights

    Time to get this going again. How are folks doing hunting desert/mountain quail this year? My wife and I spend the winter in NM so I have a lot of time to wander with the dog. At least the dog and I are happy!
  3. Powderhorn Jim

    Opening day experiences...public land

    I leave opening day (and opening weekend) to those younger and more tolerant than I. That said, I hunt public lands almost exclusively. I enjoy the challenge of scraping birds out of lands that anyone with a license can hunt with good dogs and persistence.
  4. Powderhorn Jim

    Hemp/CBD Oil for Dogs

    Last year our 11 year old lab had what appeared to be a "stroke" and was near death. We had a local at-home vet come over and she prescribed a bunch of different "hard" drugs and most importantly, showed us how to rehydrate her with subcutaneous fluids. The dog improved but never returned to...
  5. Powderhorn Jim

    Hi. Just found my "messages". Birds were tough around Goodland, though we found enough to keep...

    Hi. Just found my "messages". Birds were tough around Goodland, though we found enough to keep us hunting until I stepped in a badger hole and tore my ankle up.
  6. Powderhorn Jim

    Hi Tom. Sorry, I'm horrible about checking my messages. We generally start in SW ND then head...

    Hi Tom. Sorry, I'm horrible about checking my messages. We generally start in SW ND then head for the Missouri in SD. No, our Nash has storage under the bed.
  7. Powderhorn Jim

    How do you call your dog in the field?

    Tone (I use older Tri-tronics collars so they don't have vibrate). Even if the birds can hear me and/or the dogs, I just don't like hollaring, whistling, etc. In fact, the few times I hunt with someone, if they start that, I quit! Just about the first thing I teach young dogs when collar...
  8. Powderhorn Jim

    Long Distance Traveling for Birds

    Occasionally that is an issue. Many of the private RV parks shutdown before Thanksgiving. Have to call and check. SD state parks are open year around and have water/dump station and showers though they may shut some down in a park just to limit their maintenance needs. In ND we found that some...
  9. Powderhorn Jim

    Rate your gaiters.

    I've used Kennetreks for years and they work. More expensive than the Amazon "made in China" stuff (I honestly don't know where Kennetreks are made so maybe I'm speaking out of hand), but they are heavier and quieter. That said, I buy one or two pair of the "made in China" junk from Amazon each...
  10. Powderhorn Jim

    Long Distance Traveling for Birds

    North Dakota (and some South Dakota towns) has quite a few towns that have town-owned/operated RV parks that we've found to be comfortable and affordable, though usually they've had to shut their shower facilities down by the time bird season rolls around. Also, some of the impoundments (lakes)...
  11. Powderhorn Jim

    South and no snow!

    We have not. We are hunting SC in the foothills, primarily. Gambel's and Scaled with a few Mearns (that we haven't found) up higher. A lot of area in this state to cover for an old guy!
  12. Powderhorn Jim

    South and no snow!

    Today is the last day for quail in New Mexico for the year. It has been an interesting, enjoyable experience figuring out where to hunt and how they move in response to weather, predators, cattle, and hunting pressure. If I'm still upright next year we'll try a different area, though I do enjoy...
  13. Powderhorn Jim

    Long Distance Traveling for Birds

    Dustin pretty much describes the trailer we've used for the last 8 years. It is a Nash "23D", total length about 32ft from hitch to bumper. Weighs just over 7,000lbs fully loaded. Four season rated. We've been out numerous times when it was below zero. I don't recommend it, but the trailer will...
  14. Powderhorn Jim

    Snow hunting

    Best hunting I've ever had has been after a good snowstorm. A few years back it snowed about 8" overnight. Went out to a WIHA that had had the snot beat out of it. Walk for hours and maybe see one hen. No bird tracks (or human) anywhere in a 1/2 section field. Thought, what the heck, I'm here...
  15. Powderhorn Jim

    Turn out the lights

    Quail season is still open down here in New Mexico if you want to test you and your dog's endurance!
  16. Powderhorn Jim

    South and no snow!

    Revise the "no snow" deal. 5 inches night before last but most was gone by the end of the day. Will be interesting what the moisture does to quail distribution. I don't know if it is hunting pressure or just time of year, but in a number of areas they had "disappeared" over the last couple of...
  17. Powderhorn Jim


    That was my choice as well. I have a 28ga Beretta 686 White Lightning and a 687 two barrel set (20/28). Both 28in bbls. I should have saved my money on the 20ga barrel. I've only used it a couple of times and then found that for whatever reason I don't shoot it as well. Maybe (probably?) mental...
  18. Powderhorn Jim

    The truth about Prairie Storm

    Not one to beat a dead horse, but I used 20ga 3in #4 or #5 Prairie Storms for years on pheasants. Killed quite a few, but never, and I mean never, did a find one of the saturn shaped pellets in bird. I hunt over flushers, so my shots generally start at about 30 yards. My simple analysis is that...
  19. Powderhorn Jim


    I've used a 28ga for pheasants off and on for years. I decided this year to just use a 28ga as I seem to shoot it better/more consistently than any other gun. I reloaded my own ammo: 1oz #5 and #6 nickel plated shot. Every bird that flushed in range died, and interestingly, as you noted, all...
  20. Powderhorn Jim

    South and no snow!

    We are down in central New Mexico trying to get away from snow and cold in Colorado. Have been here over a month. I started out hunting every other day and have cut that back a bit as the dog (and my feet) have started wearing down. A lot of rocky country. There are intermittent coveys of scaled...