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  1. Crossing shot

    Time to change chokes?

    Went to a popular pheasant destination last week. Figured roosters would be wise so I put in modified choke. Later in the day got two quail off points. Think I will leave mod in. Do you switch chokes mid-season?
  2. Crossing shot

    Next year license

    In Missouri, your license is good for the whole season, November 1 to January 15. What is the rule for Kansas? Pretty sure you can start hunting in December with a 2015 license. Thanks
  3. Crossing shot

    Overhead dove shots

    I am ready for dove opener except for one presentation, the overhead shot. Getting a good mount concerns me. Can mount well up to a 60 degree angle. Above 60 degree angle, there's a 50/50 chance for a poor mount. I guess that's why it is harder to hit dove/duck than quail/pheasant. Only hunt...
  4. Crossing shot

    Getting quail points?

    Dogs are pointing rabbits and pheasants. Quail have been a problem. Will not hold for the point. I assume the lack of moisture is causing scenting problems. Only had a couple quail points this year. The quail flush as soon as the dog stops. Are your dogs pointing and holding quail?
  5. Crossing shot

    Do pheasants die of thirst?

    I have enjoyed Kansas hunting for the last four years. Already, I miss the old days. It is difficult to find water when we hunt. This being a dry summer, where do the birds find water to drink.