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    New Pheasant Bible Book Released

    This weekend I had a booth across from SD GFP and they were kind enough to bless me with a copy of their newly released book on Pheasants. I look at this book as a must read for anyone interested or concerned for pheasants and this resource should be in the toolkit for land managers managing...

    New UGUIDE Camp - Perkins County

    Here's the inside scoop on a new camp with a few miles of the town of Lemmon SD. It boasts abundant populations of ringneck pheasants, sharptail grouse and yes...hungarian partridge too. 4000 acres total of which 3000 is owned, 1000 leased and 560 acres of 3 year old CRP. Owner plans to...

    New UGUIDE Reduced rates Option

    New!! We have added a 4-tiered system. Based on this new system we we able to separate our pricing a little so when tier 1 rates went up we subsequently found a need to create a 4th tier and lower rates. We now have a rate as low as $495/person for 4-night lodging and 3-days hunting. Right...

    Vilsack to Attend Pheasant Fest

    Would be amazing if he had any kind of new CRP announcements. No hints of any such thing as of yet. If there are going to be any big conservation announcements it will be at this event.

    Here Comes the 1st Major Blizzard of the season...

    Looks like about 7 counties in the south central part of the state with 6-14 inches of snow predicted with rain on the front end. I hope the beaks stay open. Baton down the hatches from midnight tonight to noon on Monday.

    New Drain Tiling Legislation Proposed for SD

    This was brought to my attention by one of our hunters and I thought I would post here. Interesting piece of legislation and even more interesting to see where this goes. Help Fight South Dakota Senate Bill 179...

    UGUIDE Reduced prices

    Thanks to the Tech Saavy Webgy we were able to rollout a 4-tiered system and based on this new system we we able to separate our pricing a little so when tier 1 rates went up we subsequently found a need to create a 4th tier and lower rates. We now have a rate as low as $495/person for 4-night...

    SD Weather Bodes Well for Pheasants

    Wow! Going to be 45 degrees in Lake Andes on Feb 3rd. Looks like we have another mild winter under our belts for 2013. Big storm season still ahead. Even checking moisture amounts for Dec. and Jan is about 70% of average. which is bad for farmers but good for birds. I am praying for this...

    GMO Labeling War - See the How the Big $$$ Works

    You may find the recent developments on GMO labeling of your food products in CA and MN very interesting. Minnesota is up next.
  10. UGUIDE

    My All-Time Favorite Farming book

    Someone on another forum posted this link to a book that is on the top of my list for profitablility and sustainability on the farm. "Building Soils for Better Crops" This book discusses crop rotations quite a bit, along with using manures and reduced tillage, to build better soils...
  11. UGUIDE

    Pheasant Fest may or may not come to South Dakota in coming years

    Talked with SD tourism folks and, yes, the new convention center in Sioux Falls can hold the event but I guess there is a bid process that each city goes thru to try and lure the event to their town. SD seems like a natural location to have Pheasant Fest but in the end it may not be the best...
  12. UGUIDE

    Leupold Center for Sustainable Ag

    I think UGUIDE has found his home! An article in Agweek lead me here and here is excellent article on a third system between conventional and organic production. The article is ISU's study and 3 & 4 year crop rotations and how they are as profitable as bean and corn rotations and reduce inputs...
  13. UGUIDE

    Lots of Farm Bill Biologists Out there

    PF is really staffing up the farm bill biologists. Looks like Iowa has the most at "12". That's more that MN & SD. I hope they are able to make an impact.
  14. UGUIDE

    Organic Producers - The saviour of pheasant in SD?

    Just got off the phone with a organic producer who owns 3000 acres in South Dakota. As he was describing how tall the foxtail gets in his corn I was thinking "This is my kinda farmer". Is weedy corn any good for pheasants? I just about had forgot how good it is with all the clean corn fields...
  15. UGUIDE

    Season End Armour SD Hunt....SNOW!!

    The Mrs. and I are headed out to hunt this weekend for a season end hunt. the last group that hunted our place said they did not do too well and so it will be interesting to seek how many roosters we can scare up and what kind of luck we have. the exciting part is the area may get a few inches...
  16. UGUIDE

    Price of Diesel

    Anybody know why diesel is almost a dollar higher than regular gas lately? Used to run about 20 cents higher. Winter treating is worth about 5-10 cents at most
  17. UGUIDE

    Week 10 Hunt Starts Wed

    Headin out tomorrow with my boy (26) and his dog. We are headed West River and the boy gets to hunt with his dog for first time. I have hunted it for 3 years now and it is a great dog (Black Lab). Out group is also having the first annual UGUIDE Road Hunt Contest in the spirit of Fair Chase (...
  18. UGUIDE

    New Farm Bill

    Man, there has been absolutely zero new CRP acres to work with in last 6 months. I am sure bunches are still coming out. I hear farm bill plays second fiddle behind the fiscal cliff. Maybe they will get something figured out so we can get some new CRP program acres this spring or summer which...
  19. UGUIDE

    Reputation points?

    I just Rep'd you BC. Thanks for keeping me motivated to keep UGUIDE going and stay self employed.:D By the way I personally invite you and Coot to attend the UGUIDE table at Pheasant Fest. I can get you Webguys autograph. I did see his new hats and sweatshirts and they are very COOL!
  20. UGUIDE

    Mid Season Pheasant Update and 2013 Outlook

    My latest report can be found on the UGUIDE website in the "Outlook" section. You can blog there or here with your comments and feedback.