Search results

  1. W

    Sporting clays, how to approach targets so they carryover to the pheasant fields.

    Mix in 16yd trap and skeet, always low gun. Walking hand trap with a friend trying to mess with you. Practice dry gun mounts in your house. All will help. Never too much practice. It will carry over to live birds.
  2. W

    Passing through SD…Pheasants Galore

    Just a gopher dressed up for the prom. Sunglasses or binders??:)
  3. W

    Unguided hunt…

    Always an issue between good numbers of birds and hunter density. But gems can be found, might take time or $$. Don’t base your trip on just one year. Approach it as a vacation first and a hunting trip second. Enjoy
  4. W

    Worried about my Lucy.

    Very possibly a tick borne disease besides Lyme. Time for a vet check up.
  5. W

    New member from western MN

    Welcome from a UM grad
  6. W

    New Member from Nebraska

    Welcome, unique hunting style.
  7. W

    How often do you hunt pheasants?

    My wife once asked if I kept track of all the days I spent hunting and fishing. I replied not enough. Might be used in a court of law.
  8. W

    My hunting buddy

    Where will I be in 15 years?? Below the surface pushing up native grass for the next generation of pheasant hunters. I will be smiling.:)
  9. W

    Governor Noem writes about her hunting dog

    Always in politics, follow the money. People profit from politics.
  10. W

    Quail hunting Southeast Kansas

    Dirty milo was the best for quail and phez. I would beg for permission. Always turned an average day into a great day.
  11. W

    Montana Ducks

    Enjoyed your pictures Skeet. While fishing out west, I got to observe a clutch of coot chicks, now they really are "punked out" chicks, but no pics. Try Google
  12. W

    Dog Breed Popularity

    The largest golden I personally weighed was 184#, only lived 6.5 years. NOT a field golden. Should have been a legit 90#. Mine now is 45#
  13. W

    Dog Breed Popularity

    PT Barnum was spot on.
  14. W


    Very nice, will get a lot of oohhs and aahhs. A pic of the dogs is mandatory to give credit.
  15. W

    Looking to add a gsp in the future

    Grouse Point (y)(y)
  16. W

    Shelter Belt

    Field of Dreams have been created, Congrats(y)
  17. W

    Feeding Time

    Typically hard to put weight on pointers and hard to take weight off retrievers.
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    Loud and excitable, but he knows the guides to fish with. New show every week. Could you do what he does? Generally gets good ratings.(y)