Search results

  1. KS GSP

    No Federal Prairie Storm- Clear skies in MN

    I'm guilty of buying PS shells as I have 10 boxes in the office right now ready for the next couple of seasons. With that said, you are speaking as if what you are saying is factual. If so, I would assume you can provide evidence to show these loads are in fact better than the others? I would...
  2. KS GSP

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    I would have to agree with westbow in that I don't see where anyone was putting you down. Unfortunately there's no way to convey tone in a post and it's very easy to give a post a tone that wasn't intended. I believe anyone who posted a reply is only trying to help you but it is shocking to see...
  3. KS GSP

    Franchi Instinct L 12ga 26" Barrel ****SOLD****

    I'd pm him your number instead of posting it on a public forum.
  4. KS GSP

    Today’s results

    Were you all on public land? How do 20 guys hunt with only 2 dogs?
  5. KS GSP

    What are your plans this year?

    Stay at home. Your life is worth more than any hunting trip.
  6. KS GSP

    Today’s results

    I was referring to the post that simply says "Hmmmm"
  7. KS GSP

    Today’s results

    What is the point of this?
  8. KS GSP


    Just be sure to look at the artists previous work and make sure they are good enough. There are a lot of very mediocre tattoo artists out there.. Expect to pay a premium for a good one.
  9. KS GSP

    Why hasn’t the brood report been posted?

    Awesome thanks
  10. KS GSP

    Why hasn’t the brood report been posted?

    Can you link it?
  11. KS GSP


    I use it. It's worth every penny. There are only two packages I believe... you either pay 29.99 for access to one state or 99.99 for all states.
  12. KS GSP

    Fall Turkey

    Haven't heard of zipping them up... Seems like the standard blanket method is a bit easier.
  13. KS GSP

    Is it worth it?

    I think you should just go and have a good time. We have no idea what your idea of a good experience is... I vote just go and next year you can ask yourself if it was worth it.
  14. KS GSP

    Farmer's report sounds great!

    After a few posts like this, there will be a decrease next year ;)
  15. KS GSP


    Haha. I'll be in the Winner area for a few days.
  16. KS GSP


    That's a lot of commas lol
  17. KS GSP


    I'll start hunting at sunrise and don't stop until sunset. Granted I don't walk 10 miles daily but I definitely do a lot of walking. I have noticed I've slowed down a lot since my GSP started to really shine. I will be coming to SD for a week in early December but I'm not likely to come across...
  18. KS GSP


    I started pheasant hunting 2 years ago on all public lands in KS. I enjoyed it so much I decided to get a dog even though I would walk 10 or more miles and not even see a bird. If you actually enjoy it, you'll put the time in to hopefully find some birds. If all you want is a guarantee of birds...
  19. KS GSP

    Dog price questions

    I got a well bred GSP for $750 and I'm very happy with him. I can pm you the name of the breeder if you'd like.
  20. KS GSP

    This is BS

    Bud, turn caps lock off.