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  1. KS GSP


    I haven't had any issues with durability with mine. But I only wear them when it's very cold.. Considering how thin they are they work very well keeping my hands warm.
  2. KS GSP


    First Lite Shale Hybrid Gloves
  3. KS GSP

    Beretta A400 20ga Upland

    I thought it was going to be an issue for me but I actually have not struggled with it at all.
  4. KS GSP

    Uploading Photos

    Now that's a spur.
  5. KS GSP


    You can always scale the art to fit whatever size area you have to work with. If this is something you're interested in, don't let anyone tell you not to do it.
  6. KS GSP

    lunch on the hunt

    I have a portable grill and typically do hotdogs, sausages, etc. Last weekend I took some ribs I smoked, wrapped them in foil, and warmed them up. Last year when my wife came along she made tacos in a crock pot inside the truck while I was hunting.
  7. KS GSP

    Found GSP SW of Dickinson ND

    You can get the tags that are attached to the collar and it makes no noise at all.
  8. KS GSP

    Public land etiquette?

    I'm not sure this is taking WIHA into the equation if we are discussing land that can be hunted by anyone.
  9. KS GSP

    One week until the best time of year

    Well written. Enjoyed reading that. Hope you have a speedy recovery lbills.
  10. KS GSP

    Check out these bad boys...

    That certainly is something!
  11. KS GSP

    Public land etiquette?

    Agreed. Only issue is unless you actually catch the person in the act there is no evidence.
  12. KS GSP

    Public land etiquette?

    Yeah that's the most likely scenario. He came up with nothing and blamed it on you because surely it was your fault he didn't get to shoot a bird.
  13. KS GSP

    Public land etiquette?

    That is nuts. Whether he thinks you ruined his hunt or not, it takes a certain kind of asshole to mess with a persons vehicle. Did you get a license plate number and report him?
  14. KS GSP

    NE Opener.

    Eh, he very well may be right.
  15. KS GSP

    Bird Hunting in Southwest Colorado?

    You sure you aren't hunting wabbits?
  16. KS GSP

    NE Opener.

    Did you post this somewhere else? I swear I just read this lol
  17. KS GSP

    What are your plans this year?

    Will do. Its supposed to be pretty warm this weekend so I'm not real optimistic and I'm definitely not going to run Moose too hard with the real opener next weekend.
  18. KS GSP


    What does the terrier do while the lab is hunting? Is he also hunting or simply running around?
  19. KS GSP

    Hunting in rain?

    I hunt when it's raining.. Heck I hunt in any conditions except for a blizzard. I don't really do anything differently other than get wet.
  20. KS GSP

    Hunting in three states in one day! Can I do it?

    What...? No offense but it's so hard to tell if you're trolling people or are just an odd guy.