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  1. M

    Beretta silver pigeon 1

    What do you know about this gun? I have been looking at O/U and really like the feel of this gun! I was thinking about hopefully buying one somtime. Question is, would you get a 12g or a 20g? Right now I have a remmington 870express, my first and only shotgun I got when I was maybe 12 years...
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    Only one pheasant

    I just started to hunt birds this year again. I used to go when I was younger and then quit for a while, silly me I know. So this year I started back up and only went out a few times and got ONE whole bird. If you only had one pheasant in your freezer like me this year how would you cook it...
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    New Dodge Diesel

    I am thinking about getting a new 2012 Dodge 2500 diesel and was wondering if anybody here has one and has anything good of bad to say about them? I drove one a couple weeks ago and really liked it. If i buy one I will wait until we start working again in the spring. Right now I have a ford...
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    I was wondering how everyone that takes pictures of pheasants gets them to hang by there neck or feet on a fence post? You must be using some kind of string or somthing, right? I got a rooster and took some pictures but ended up laying him on the ground.
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    Going hunting in NE Iowa

    Im going to the family farm this week in NE Iowa, Butler county and was wondering if anyone lives near there that would like to go? Walked a field that is tall grass for maybe 2 hours last week by myself and saw two roosters. I did not walk the whole thing or have a dog. Dont ask me if I got...
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    Guys with only one dog

    Question, You guys that only have one dog, when you go hunting do you let it ride in the truck/cab with you or does it ride in a dog box?
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    SD best hunting!

    I know that this has probably been brought up before. I am thinking about going to SD next year to hunt with my new puppy GSP that is now almost 4 months old. What areas of the state should I be looking at to hunt on public land? Any suggestions on places to hunt? It would be just me and the...
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    Two questions?

    What is the youngest age that your dog/puppy started hunting? What is a good over under gun for bird hunting to buy for a reasonable price. I read a article on the internet that said that they are not very accurate or good for pheaseant hunting. I really like the look and the feel of them. Is...