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  1. K

    Boss shotgun ammunition

    The duplex loads are there for filler, as you cannot shoot 1/2oz of tss in a 12 or 20ga shell. 1/2oz of 9s is plenty of shot, it just doesnt work ballistically in those big shells, its really a .410 shell. So you load 1/2oz tss with 1oz of steel shot and now you have a 12ga shell at high enough...
  2. K

    Steel/bismuth for pheasants

    I agree completely except for the speed with steel. You need speed to keep the velocity up. If you you start it faster it will be moving faster when it hits your target, thus more penetration which is greatly needed with steel. Ive spent so many hours staring at ballistic tables and KPY...
  3. K

    Boss shotgun ammunition

    Exactly, the resources are there for everyone to be successful with non tox if they take the time to learn. Ive killed more birds with steel than I could ever count, ducks, doves, pheasants, and small game. Back when we didnt pattern and just shot steel 2s in IC at everything it was a crap shoot...
  4. K

    Boss shotgun ammunition

    Absolutely it kills raptors, just the same as it has since the 1700s. This year was strangely lacking of hawks, but most years every single draw around here has multiple hawks sitting in trees... And we wonder why the songbird and game bird populations struggle in the winter. Raptor resource...
  5. K

    Boss shotgun ammunition

    Its no myth.. the average hunter cripples the heck out of birds with steel shot because they do not understand the ballistics regarding shot size/velocity and do not pattern their guns. Lead shot is so forgiving that you can do the exact thing and kill birds all day long, however there is no...
  6. K

    dog vest

    I use browning chest protector, and if the dog is going to be going through tall cover (blue stem or that triangle reed crap) i toss on a $7 amazon orange safety vest over the chest protector. I carry it rolled up in my vest, its about the size of my fist. It does surprisingly well to let the...
  7. K

    Browning 20ga A5

    In that case, i would shoot one rooster because its more important to kill one and find it with good dog work than sling 5 shells at as many as i can. There is so little chance the 2nd or 3rd bird are going to be in range for you to get off shell #4 and #5 that i feel confident in saying you...
  8. K

    Browning 20ga A5

    I only needed the second barrel twice this year in my baby 20ga, cant imagine shooting more than 3 shells at a rooster... That would be embarrassing
  9. K

    Browning 20ga A5

    Are you trolling or blind? Two out of the first 3 include upland... But remember, you already chastised us for not following what the forum is called. Who cares about all species, we are just talking pheasant because its a pheasant forum remember? And 6 out of 17 is many?
  10. K

    Browning 20ga A5

    I would go as far as saying unnoticeable. Even 12ga 1 1/8 shells vs 20ga 1oz probably carry the same, other than the physical difference in size. I could go weigh some but I really dont care that much. If weight of shells in the gun makes or breaks someones trip, then they should probably buy a...
  11. K

    Browning 20ga A5

    Every pheasant hunter I know besides one uses his "main" gun for both ducks and pheasants if they hunt both.. and surprisingly three guys have new A5 2x4s... Every single one leaves plug in. I do not know any waterfowl hunter that takes a plug out for anything, thats how you forget and get a...
  12. K

    Browning 20ga A5

    A lot of states require plugs when hunting everything. And almost everyone who hunts waterfowl as well will leave the plug in. Then of course theres the guns that dont even hold 5.. Ive never personally put 5 shells in a gun.
  13. K

    Browning 20ga A5

    Wasnt a serious statement was it? 3 shells at +1/8oz might be an ounce or two? Its 3/8oz... The weight of the extra hull size is not even worth mentioning.. maybe 1/4oz in plastic across all 3 shells, if that.
  14. K

    Boss shotgun ammunition

    Its just two ways of seeing it is all. Some are in acceptance and dont mind paying extra for inferior ammo, or 10 times the price for better than lead. Some want to stand against it because they see the reasons fueling the change as non issue. I bet if it could REALLY be tested and you...
  15. K

    Browning 20ga A5

    All things equal, bigger bore almost always throws a more even pattern. For instance 12ga 1 1/4 5s is much easier to get a good even pattern than 20ga 3" 1 1/4 5s.
  16. K

    Browning 20ga A5

    Id buy a used browning O/U before id spend $2,000 on a 20ga 2x4... But thats just me
  17. K

    Boss shotgun ammunition

    Lets not forget its a business decision. As more lead shot is banned, demand goes up for non tox (obviously) and prices rise. Theres enough complaints on here about $20/box lead shot being unreasonable.. just wait until you have to buy bismuth at $70/box or steel at $30/box and rush to do so...
  18. K

    Browning Dura Touch Recall Repair

    Had no idea about this, thank you. The sx3 is going back, cant even shoot it anymore its so sticky.
  19. K

    What was your best shot this year?

    All of my birds this year were pretty normal, all memorable but only one stood out. My new dog's first bird. We had really warm weather at the start of the season after opener, so I didnt hunt him (black lab) until the weather broke a bit in early November. My buddy was working on his house and...
  20. K

    What was your best shot this year?

    Thought it could be a cool discussion. Whats the best shot you made this year? Lay it out for us! Maybe it was super long, maybe super close, maybe your dogs first point? Show up your buddy and kill the bird after he emptied his gun? Lets hear it