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    prairie chicken

    ND tried to jumpstart a PC flock or two in the 80s and early 90s by diversifying the gene pool. They were active in the Sheyenne National Grasslands and a remnant flock on some prairie outside of Grand Forks. I set up a blind and photographed them about 40 years ago. I believe they are...

    prairie chicken

    Pretty hot opening weekend last year.

    Crazy weather

    Large swaths of habitat in Iowa and Minnesota were under water during the peak hatch of early to mid-June. This most certainly had a negative impact on birds. Despite the high-water levels, the silver lining in 2024 is that many states witnessed a shift away from drought conditions with “seas”...

    Can I have all three?

    Rattlesnakes are mostly limited to the are SW of the Missouri River and within that zone there are areas of relatively sparce snake use and areas that were rattlesnakes are more common. In late August and September, they are often moving to communal dens. There are a few areas N and E of the...

    Im back woo hoo

    Happy 4th. Where you been ?

    Best Self Guided Outfitters

    Few and far between. The goods ones are probably held quiet by those that find them.


    I have been using IAMs for close to 20 years now, maybe longer. All my dogs 8 weeks to 15 years old have done well on it. During hunting season I supplement with 80% lean burger crumbles or egg. It gives them a protein boost without changing the base food and it seems to get them to eat...

    Crazy weather

    If my fall pheasant success is all I have to worry about I suppose I am fortunate. This is some pretty rough situations forming for many Minnesotans - many who live above any flood plain level that would typically warrant flood insurance. That said - DANG IT - after the easy winter and the...

    Dogs Change, I Guess

    If this is a Brittany - I am surprised. I am not sure in the 40+ years I have owned Brittanys that I have had one growl at me. I can and have reached into every dogs bowl while they are eating and they do not growl or snap. My Britts hate the vet but they tend to shake or squirm and not...

    Passing through SD…Pheasants Galore

    Pheasant nests in ditches and low areas likely flooded out as many wetlands have stretch out pretty far from where they started upon thaw.

    Passing through SD…Pheasants Galore

    It takes about 33 - 35 days from first egg on the ground to brood hatching on a 10-egg clutch. SD hatch peaks mid-June to early/mid-July. Hens will renest if they lose their nest. I have seen fuzz balls pretty late in August. While Spring came early ... I noticed in many areas that most...

    Crazy weather

    Nest survival may be poor as ditches and low areas flood. Hens should renest. Peak hatch is mid-June to Mid-July. Even this year with the early spring, the grass really did not get very high until mid-May. Early hatch brood survival may be a little down as wet and fuzz ball do not mesh well...

    Sporting clays, how to approach targets so they carryover to the pheasant fields.

    Maybe I will teach my Brittanys to break off point and flush the bird with the word "PULL"

    Good hunting dog vet

    I have had good luck with my vet visit in Marshall. Young vet did a nice job stitching up one of my dogs. I called them in route and she stayed late until I showed up at the office. In ND the vet was in surgery, he popped out told the tech to clean the wound and show me how to stable the...

    Is a hay field good for pheasants?

    Some really nice info on CRP in SD and ND. It looks like both states have 1.1 - 1.25 million acres enrolled. The cost per acre is roughly 20% less in ND.

    Is a hay field good for pheasants?

    One can find all the USDA subsidies (including conservation payments) for any state, county, and landowner (if they take money). It is amazing to see the amount of cash payment subsidies on commodity crops ... Lot's of data out there. Top 10% of recipients received 54% of the payments in 2023.

    Is a hay field good for pheasants?

    Drain tile is probably one of the most detrimental land practices to wildlife especially when the water runs to a ditch, to a bigger ditch, to a river. It promotes greater flooding in the spring and during heavy periods of rain. Drain tile destroys those smaller grassy wetland areas that used...

    Is a hay field good for pheasants?

    No mowing (well in normal/wet summers) is the advantage that CRP cover has over traditional hay grass and alfalfa fields. Nothing to do with nesting, but Sharptails love cut hay and alfalfa fields for the greens and the grasshoppers ... but that is usually later in August after the field is cut...

    Hoping the Weather Stays As Is in the West!!

    Peak hatch is typically the last two weeks of June - through 1st week of July in the Dakotas, Minnesota, and northern Iowa.

    Worried about my Lucy.

    You need to get to the vet.