Search results

  1. Crusaderhunter

    Upland Tales Magazine

    Here is a picture of my grandson and his 1st issue of Upland Tales Magazine it is the Youth Phesant Forever Magazine. It is never to early to get them ready to hunt. He may not be a walker this November but I think he may be able to block. His Grandma does not agree with me she says 9 months is...
  2. Crusaderhunter

    My new hunting buddie

    Here is a picture of my new hunting buddie. He was born yesterday 2/25/2011 @ 1:50 PM. He has two labs and a 410 ready as soon as he gets a little bigger. His grandmother would not let me order him a orange hunting vest yet. Yes; this is my first grandchild and I'm very excited.
  3. Crusaderhunter

    Thanks for a great hunting season.

    Men; January 31st and the end of pheasant and quail season sure came fast this year. I wanted to post and thank all of you for making this the best season my son & I have ever had hunting. Your adivce and stories sure helped. I believe I shot more quail this year than I have ever before and I...
  4. Crusaderhunter

    A picture from a friend.

    A picture from a friend I thought you guys might enjoy seeing. It was taken two weeks ago at the Quivira Wildlife Area.
  5. Crusaderhunter

    The last shot of the day.

    Yesterday I hunted with 8 of my former baseball players. (picture attached)Seven of these men played varsity baseball for me over the past 10 years. We had a great day, got a few birds and they told lies about how tough I was on them. I did get three birds so the old ball coach held his own...
  6. Crusaderhunter


    Men I have question about how to fix a shooting problem. This week I have had 4 roosters get right up in front of me in the open, not more than 20 yards in front of me, fly straight ahead and I missed all of them. The first three might have been the best opportunities to take a bird that a...
  7. Crusaderhunter

    Todays hunt in Sumner County

    11 rosters, 3 quail and a lot of laughs on Sunday of Kansas opening weekend that was great.
  8. Crusaderhunter

    My son's 2010 Deer

    Here is a picture of my son and his wife with the deer he got this fall. They called the deer "Dager."
  9. Crusaderhunter

    Dog Box

    I have a new dog box, made out of plywood for the back of my pickup. Before I paint it I need to put some air holes in it. How many should I make and where should they be placed? Thanks for your help.
  10. Crusaderhunter

    Corn is being cut today.

    On my way home from Wichita I saw my first field of corn being cut today (Sat 8/21) about halfway between Wichita and Wellington along the turnpike. Hunting season can not be far away now.
  11. Crusaderhunter

    They know the season is over.

    Last night I went out to do some scouting and pulled next to a field and watched to rosters peck at a bean field for about 10 minutes. They got to about 15 yards from my running truck. Long tail feathers and their breast shined in the setting sun. They will make good dads for next seasonâ??s birds.
  12. Crusaderhunter

    Pic of Last Sat

    Here is a picture of my son and I after the first field on Saturday the 30th. As you can see the day had four inches of powder snow, cold, sunny and no wind. The 2009-2010 season was a great success; I personally shot my second highest number of pheasants in a season & by far was on hunts where...
  13. Crusaderhunter

    Good hunting in Southcentral KS

    Had a good late season hunt today Sunday 1/17/10. Here is a picture of me and my son Brandon. Mike
  14. Crusaderhunter

    Merry Christmas from Wellington

    Merry Christmas to all of you on UPH. I sure enjoy the posts and look froward to someday meeting you all in the field.
  15. Crusaderhunter

    Dog is back hunting

    Our dog that has hurt opening weekend is now good as new. He hunted for tow hours today and ready for more this Sunday. Thanks for all the advice "Moss" thanks you.
  16. Crusaderhunter

    Grant County

    I hunted Grant County yesterday Wed. 25th. 4 hunters -2 dogs We had a tough day hunting; only saw birds in the thick weeds in the corners. If the corner did not have tall thick weeds there were no birds. I will be back after they get some weather. Happy Thanksgiving.
  17. Crusaderhunter

    Sumner County

    I have hunted Sumner County 3 days now and the pheasant population seems to average but the quail numbers seems to be up. The group I hunted with Saturday. Men from Neb. Tex. & Kansas 10 pheasants 3 quail not great by SD or Western Kansas standards but we had a great time. This same group got...
  18. Crusaderhunter


    Men I posted this on the Kansas forum but thought I should also get all your input. I have a dog that is sure movimg slow today. What can I do for him to get over his sorness? He did a great job hunting Saturday and Suday am this being his only second season in the field. I thought is was in...
  19. Crusaderhunter

    Dog Question?

    Men; I have a dog that is sure movimg slow today. What can I do for him to get over his sorness? He did a great job hunting Saturday and Suday am for his only second season in the field. I thought is was in shape but I must have over did it this weekend because both of us are sure sore today...
  20. Crusaderhunter

    10 day forecast

    Men; at long last the extend weather forecast has reached opening day; it sure has been a long time coming this year. It says partly cloudy 30 with a high of 50 & a 20% chance of rain for the Bucklin, Kansas area Saturday the 14th. My boots are oiled up, my gun is clean and the dog boxes are in...