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  1. E

    Dry Aging (possession limit vs daily limit)

    Hank Shaw’s article is what I’ve went by. He’s a big bird hunter and a chef. The article has plenty of info in it to back it up. People get all worried about the guts but I’ve never lost a bird to that. Hank says if you don’t plan to pluck them, you can gut them before you age them if it...
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    Dry Aging (possession limit vs daily limit)

    I dry age all my birds now and last year some friends and I got checked by a warden on the second day of a hunt in MN. We had our limit from the day before and a bird or 2 from the current day so we were under our limit for the trip, but had more intact birds than a daily limit. I have a 1x2...
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    Boss vs. Kent vs. HEVI bismuth loads

    That’s perfect, just what I was looking for! I’ve got a roll of paper that is used for covering floors in construction that I plan to use for the patterning. I’m anxious to see how some of the loads I have pattern out. Thanks Joe.
  4. E

    Boss vs. Kent vs. HEVI bismuth loads

    Joe, could you give any tips on how to set up for patterning in case anyone wanted to test their gun/load/choke combo? What do you use for paper/target? Lead sled type device or do you just hold it? Do you aim like a rifle or mount and shoot? What do you use for a backer (box, plywood, metal, etc)?
  5. E

    Boss vs. Kent vs. HEVI bismuth loads

    I shot the Boss #5’s last season and was very pleased. I also have some Apex TSS loads but I was so happy with the Boss I couldn’t bring myself to shoot the tungsten ones. This year I will shoot them in the late season though, I don’t want to take any chances with a late season rooster!
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    Boss vs. Kent vs. HEVI bismuth loads

    That is great data Joe, all of us thank you and your shoulder! Say you’re headed to a WPA for the golden hour and you need one more rooster for your limit for the day, what shell is in your shotgun???
  7. E

    Motels in SW or WC MN

    Haha, the first time I read your post BB I read it as super “clubby” kind of place instead of suPPer clubby kind of place! I’ve hunted around Windom and thankfully there’s not a night clubby kind of place for miles around!
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    Motels in SW or WC MN

    I’ve stayed at the Super 8 in St. James and it is fine. Dog friendly, decent breakfast, affordable, and cleaner than some of the other places I’ve stayed at in that area.
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    Garmin Pro 550+ mapping

    Hopefully someone else will chime in here too but the only way I’ve found to keep track of the dogs distance is to not open the app until I start the hunt. Otherwise it will include the drive distance too. That seems to work for the dogs distance but still wants to include the drive distance for...
  10. E

    Boss Unmuzzled Bismuth load dissection and pattern performance for pheasants

    Thanks Joe, that’s great data. I shot some 12ga Boss 1-1/4oz #5’s this season and had very good results. I bought a case after the season and my plan is to shoot it anytime I’m even in the area where non-tox is required. It’s a hassle to change back and forth and some properties are even split...
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    Anyone going to PF banquet Watertown?

    I travel to hunt wild birds several times per season but I also live close to a state put and take property in northern Wisconsin so I hunt those birds often enough too. The DNR deems the chances for bird survival here low, so it’s also a hen/rooster property where you can legally shoot both...
  12. E

    Pheasant Fest

    I made it over to the show Friday night and had a great time. Just about any piece of upland gear you could imagine in your hands with a ton of knowledgable people right there to tell you all about it. The crowds weren’t terrible, I was able to get to every booth I wanted to with minimal wait...
  13. E

    Rate your past season

    My season was a 6.5. My GSP was in his 3rd season and I’ve posted about him on here before. We’re making some progress, but he still bumps a lot of birds that I try not to shoot. It’s painful to watch a hard fought rooster fly away. He did have some great moments and we bagged a number of...
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    Vintage/older Over Unders

    Thanks for all the info guys, now time to try and actually find one that speaks to me!
  15. E

    Pheasant Legs-butchering

    Anyone ever try pressure cooking the legs and thighs? I have good luck with the slow cooker - once you get the meat off of the tendons/bones you can do whatever you want with it, I’m just wondering if the pressure cooker would get you there faster.
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    Vintage/older Over Unders

    I added “older” to the list as well because I didn’t think there were many really old over unders out there. I just like the idea of carrying a gun that may have seen some of the incredible upland hunting days of the past. MiForester - I’ll have to check out the Browning Super, thanks for the...
  17. E

    Acceptable Loss Rate

    Lots of good points above, for sure the dogs ability (experience, training, genes, etc) has a lot to do with how well they will track down cripples. I can’t take credit for this because I heard it on a podcast, but I now carry a few reflectors and some flagging ribbon with me. If I don’t find...
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    Vintage/older Over Unders

    I know there are lots of options out there for vintage side by sides but does anyone have any recommendations for an older or vintage over under? I have a newer over under that I like, but I’d like to find something eventually that has some history.
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    birddude nailed it, proper gun introduction is probably the most important thing. Perfection Kennels has a lot of great info about this on their Facebook videos and they have a gun acclimation video that goes into great detail how to do it well. Don’t rush that part of it and the rest will come...
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    2022 Season

    Anyone been hunting MN at all since the storm passed? Even if not hunting but just to check the conditions?