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  1. M. R. Byrd

    Happy New Year !

    Happy New Year from the Ponderosa
  2. M. R. Byrd

    Cell Service Provider?

    Here at the Ponderosa only Verizon works. When the family comes out with their ATT phones they get very limited or no service.
  3. M. R. Byrd


    Lack of insects. Brood rearing requires insects. Main production of insects come from forbs, legumes, annual broadleaf weeds. The ability to keep crop fields and fallow fields weed free through herbicides reduces the insect numbers substantially thus decreasing brood success. I would not expect...
  4. M. R. Byrd

    New guy from Ohio

  5. M. R. Byrd

    New guy from Iowa

  6. M. R. Byrd

    Getting Good Rain

    The rain and moisture from the snow totaled 3.50" here at the Ponderosa. Praise the Lord!
  7. M. R. Byrd

    Getting Good Rain

    The Ponderosa is getting an awesome rain and snow now. Much appreciated
  8. M. R. Byrd

    Plant ID app

    I use Plant Snap. It does okay. I don't pay for the premium package so it limits me to a few requests per day for free.
  9. M. R. Byrd

    Hello from the Willamette Valley

  10. M. R. Byrd

    Porcupines On The Prairies

    My then young Drahthaar got into one. I was glad I was prepared with leather leash, leather gloves, short piece of dowel rod and my leatherman. Over the years our farm dogs would get into them, usually enough that a trip to the vet was warranted. Porcupines eat the bark off of small limbs on...
  11. M. R. Byrd

    Kansas English Setter Puppies

    Beautiful pups
  12. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Been quite a yo-yo year at the Ponderosa. 7 and a half months with no rain or snow, then nice spring moisture rebound and moderate temps, now brutal heat and dry and no rain in sight. The early rains created a jungle in my waste areas with weeds as tall as my tractor cab. My pastures remained...
  13. M. R. Byrd

    Chick Sightings?

    I have yet to see a hatch of anything at the Ponderosa. I have bob white quail, pheasant, Rio turkey and lesser prairie chicken. I thought I might see something during wheat harvest, but didn't. I am really hopeful though. Went 7 1/2 months without rain or snow, then it started raining. My...
  14. M. R. Byrd

    At the Dentist...

    I haven't been very active and missed your move south. All the best to you. Maynard
  15. M. R. Byrd

    Looking for Dakota Hunt

    When in Dodge check out the Boot Hill Distillery
  16. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    A really nice and unusual wet weather pattern here at the Ponderosa. Last year's 8.00" annual rainfall has taken a toll on this area and the subsoil is severely depleted. My winter wheat has come back from the brink of death to a cuttable crop(hopefully). The pastures(buffalo grass) are...
  17. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Had a nice rain this morning at the Ponderosa, 1.50". Praise the Lord. An unusual rain with cold northly winds. The last rains have everything green at the moment. Moisture in the forecast for the rest of the month. Hopefully, that will happen, as the subsoil moisture is still depleted.
  18. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    After 7 1/2 months with no rain and no snow, finally the skies opened up. Received 2.15" over two days. A blessing. Praise the Lord!
  19. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Glad to hear that. We are still without. Hard freeze last night
  20. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Pretty discouraging at the moment. The local road runner seems to be doing alright.