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  1. M. R. Byrd

    Bucket list trips!

    Kings and bears
  2. M. R. Byrd

    Bucket list trips!

    A better picture of the breakfast. Maynard
  3. M. R. Byrd

    Bucket list trips!

    Sealing bears at Pt. Baker Maynard
  4. M. R. Byrd

    Bucket list trips!

    Would love to go back to SE Alaska for another bear hunt. Here is the cabin in Shipley Bay and crab going in the pot. And the fried rock fish were the main course for breakfast, with eggs and fried potatoes. The best breakfast ever. Maynard
  5. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    same here on the turkey. Hens running around in the yard but no broods.
  6. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Not looking good at the Ponderosa, shown here in the red. I am not seeing chicks of any kind and zero fawns with the doe. Today could be another record high(some forecasters saying possible 111). Already have seen 109. The ground is like concrete. The grass is brittle and breaks under your...
  7. M. R. Byrd

    Looking into a 16 side by side

    One of these days I will sell my J P Sauer, if my sons don't want it.
  8. M. R. Byrd

    Added to the habitat

    Prairie Drifter, Good to hear about the additional acres. That will be awesome. I haven't been by your area for years, just don't get that way anymore. Maynard
  9. M. R. Byrd

    Bucket list trips!

    Take my grandkids to Alaska for king salmon and halibut
  10. M. R. Byrd

    New KS Hunter

  11. M. R. Byrd


    AWESOME! You were at a beautiful place on the Kansas prairie and got to see quite a show. That takes me back to my childhood at the farm. It was wheat harvest time. The combine was an yellowish orange Minneapolis Moline. No cab and a steering wheel that was completely horizonal. Dad wore...
  12. M. R. Byrd

    Leather gloves

    Those are my go to gloves. I use them here on the Ponderosa on barbed wire fence. They are surprisingly tough for a thin glove. I make sure I supply my wife with a pair of mediums. She loves them also.
  13. M. R. Byrd

    New CRP

    At that time, probably $65-70. Speaking of taxes, my farm real estate taxes has doubled in the past five years. No telling what lies ahead.
  14. M. R. Byrd

    New CRP

    A few years back I had some CRP expiring and the renewal rate was $31/acre for 15 years. I declined, thinking, "Will that acre even buy a cup of fancy coffee in 15 years?"
  15. M. R. Byrd

    New CRP

    I was ready to put more in CRP two years ago but the rate went down over 40%. This October it came up just a little, but way short. Will check again this October.
  16. M. R. Byrd

    Happy Holidays

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours
  17. M. R. Byrd

    Rain in Kansas

    Bitter cold to the northwest, hot hot to the to the southeast and a strong jet stream separating leaves Kansas windy and dry. No real prospects for moisture in the next ten days is the way I see it.
  18. M. R. Byrd


    Hard to see. Prayers for healing of your family and healing for the land. Praying for rain or snow.
  19. M. R. Byrd


    I have seen some posts by my friends on Facebook of hay headed into the fire area. There are also some posts on Wildfire & Disaster Relief Ag Community (a Facebook group) about relief for the fire victims. That group had been busy with relief going to the tornado area. Check out that group to...
  20. M. R. Byrd

    Rain in Kansas

    Yes, the Ponderosa needs moisture badly, as does much of Kansas