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  1. Chestle

    Single Shot Franchi Instinct SL

    This is a Franchi Instinct LX but from the pics I've seen, it's the same autosafety set up. Looks like an easy job to remove the autosafety function. As he points out, get the roll pins first from Harbor Freight.
  2. Chestle

    Single Shot Franchi Instinct SL

    Did some internet research. This guy says it is the auto safety function activating due to recoil of first shot. Might be something to look into. The auto safety can be disabled. (Which I would do immediately anyway)...
  3. Chestle

    Kansas Days

    Good on ya for taking the kids out.
  4. Chestle

    Old Breast Wound

    Anything in the lump? Piece of shot? Agree, this is not unheard of.
  5. Chestle

    What would you do?

    Maybe that guy would share with the Game Warden? Yep, sounds like he's a real piece of work.
  6. Chestle

    Recipes for Roosters

    Doing Pheasant Pad Thai tonite myself. Always a winner. I use the Taste of Thai recipe, subbing pheasant tenderloins for the chicken. Very easy recipe.
  7. Chestle

    Huntable Areas?!?!?

    January can be a tough month for birds even in KS. December was a lot rougher for birds this year than usual. I’m hoping for a moderate January. The way KS bird populations have been going I don’t think it would hurt to shorten the season AND change the morning shooting hours to 10am.
  8. Chestle

    Huntable Areas?!?!?

    Kansas runs to Jan 31. Personally I think this big storm has reduced pheasant populations in a lot of places. Upland Game Bird Seasons PHEASANT Regular: Nov. 12, 2022-Jan. 31, 2023
  9. Chestle

    Who Hunts With A Field Cocker?

    West, check your PMs.
  10. Chestle

    Prairie Storm in stock-cheap

    Did they just move guns and ammo to a separate website? They show some here:
  11. Chestle

    Prairie Storm in stock-cheap

    Jeez, West...I owe you another thank you. Been looking around for some 20ga claybusters; hard to find around here. I was not aware of Reeds at all. They have Top Guns @ $10/box and free shipping on a flat. Can't beat that around here. Rogers isn't that far but they don't have anything close to...
  12. Chestle

    This will not help pheasants

    This new pic from SD Coyotes eating well though
  13. Chestle

    NW is Dismal

    Only in my opinion, NW is all of Unit 1, Wallace/Logan/Gove/Trego in Unit 2 and from 283 to the west edges of Phillips and Rooks. YMMV.
  14. Chestle

    Tragedy averted with Technology

    Good advice. I got an instinct to go with my Garmin transmitter. Easy to glance at a watch.
  15. Chestle

    This will not help pheasants

    ....wind probably blew them up there.....
  16. Chestle

    This will not help pheasants

    Just got a report from SD friend of finding some dead deer in the trees. This is going to be a large step backwards as Hay said
  17. Chestle

    Fitting a shotgun

    LC, which gun shop in Olathe? The one in the old Simmons building? Olathe Gun Shop on Rogers? No, I haven't been in that one for quite a while. Haven't been gun shopping in quite a while. But as I mentioned a while ago, my eye is roving over a pair of Benelli Montefeltro Silver Featherweights...
  18. Chestle

    Fitting a shotgun

    LC, I think we're all guilty at one time or another of raising our head off the stock. It's the most common error I see at the local skeet/trap range. Heck, raising the head and stopping the swing are basically the top two reasons for missing a clay. I've been shooting clay for decades and the...
  19. Chestle

    This will not help pheasants

    I think the area I hunt in SD is going to lose a lot of birds this week. Deep snow and high winds. Doesn't bode well for next year. Those birds that don't get into thick cover out of that wind aren't going to make it.
  20. Chestle

    Fitting a shotgun

    Which is why most shotgun instructors recommend practicing your mount to achieve consistency. As you say, you can have the absolute perfect fit on a shotgun but it will only be perfect for a consistent mount. If you change the mount, you change the POI. That happens in the field and at the...