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  1. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Interesting. Why? I was told to come up .
  2. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    I started the season off 4 for 4. Downhill there after. My going away shot used to be butter. Not so much now. I try to bring the barrel up under the bird. I cannot tell where I am missing. From my videos, I can tell that I am not swinging through the bird. That will change on my next trip...
  3. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Tremendous insights, Matt. Thank you very much. Please make a video of your instructions. I am certain that many chat room contributors will appreciate the help you are offering.
  4. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    You're spot on. I saw the same issues. I am not swinging. I am trying to use my hands to catch up. Bad technique. I am hopefully by it after time at the range.
  5. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Happens all of the time to me. Hit a hot spot and I think that I am ready. I then miss the first rooster before 10 more jump afterwards. The birds must tell the first guy to sacrifice himself for the greater good.
  6. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Do you think? I like a fast and firm mount, then take my time with the initial shot. I am shooting too quickly right now.
  7. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Sorry to hear that. I went to the range with both of my shotguns. I put up 100 clays+. I was good enough with both my O/U and my semiautomatic. I spent time on clays that offered a realistic challenge. Best I could do to improve.
  8. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Took the day off yesterday. Hit the clays for 1 hour. Money well spent. Hit 5 stations and worked on mounting fast while shooting slow. I made certain that I brought the shotgun to my cheek. Bring on the snow and cold.
  9. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    100% agree with your sentiments. I am taking today off and I will go hit some clays. Must get better.
  10. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Thank you for watching. One thing that a GoPro does not do is capture depth. I can tell you that every rooster in the video should have been killed. They all were within my range. Echo (6) is a veteran of hunting wild birds. She forgives my misses and hunts hard all day. She will pursue a...
  11. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    100% accurate. Add 3 hours of sleep, and a 3.5 hour drive, and reflexes suffer. Not an excuse, but my reality. It is also helpful when I kill the first bird I look at. My confidence goes up, and I tend to relax a bit. Hunt well.
  12. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Thank you for watching. You know the feeling. I think most of the people that participate on this site know the feeling. It was hard last Friday because the opportunities were there, and I just couldn't get it together. Enjoy your season.
  13. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Thank you for watching as well as offering your professional insights. You're first 2 points are absolutely spot on. You can see me panic when the roosters flush. A poor mount, followed by a rushed first shot. Consciously, I know that I have time. As the past misses enter the back of my brain...
  14. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Tha Thank you for watching. Glad that you had a good trip to Kansas. I need to make that trip happen next season. Not sure of I have time this year. I appreciate the nice words of encouragement. I lost my confidence as the day progressed. I actually didn't shoot at 1 rooster because I just...
  15. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    I appreciate you watching despite the ugly results. I have not yet hunted birds in cattails. 8 miles in them must be a fun walk. Shoot straight and good luck the rest of your season.
  16. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Thanks for watching. We walked close to 10 miles, and my dogs were beat up at the end. It is so dry in Colorado. We need moisture badly. Like you, I persevere, and I will get it back again. Admittedly, my confidence was low, and I didn't take a few shots that I would have tried two weeks back. I...
  17. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    Thanks for watching. I know that it happens to all of us....OK, most of us. I started out the season 4 for 4 and feeling pretty solid. Now I am 7 for a lot. Going to try to get some clays practice if possible. Regain some confidence. My dogs are beat up. They deserve a better partner. Shoot...
  18. walk213

    Poor Shooting

    It was hard to watch the footage of this hunt. I need to be better.
  19. walk213

    Opportunities were Few and Far Between as the Temperature Exceeded 70 Degrees Each Day.

    Thanks for watching. I am thrilled to watch Josey begin to put it all together. I hope that by the end of this season, we are aligned in the field. I enjoy watching her grow.