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  • I know you fill up fast. I'm a new member on here, and will be 100% interested in 2025....tempted on one of your upcoming hunts where you had two flake out, but i'm in the middle of retiring from the Air Force, so to say I'm a little busy would be an understatement.

    I appreciate your response in advance.

    how many guys are booked in for the same dates? just curious, will probably take a spot.

    Bobby, I had one guy back out of our hunt Oct. 24-28. I am trying to find a replacement but it is kinda late in the game now. I can send you the remaining deposits on the other two guys. I paid the deposit on two so can I just apply that deposit to my total?
    Hi ! your the guy with the 16 ga. Dalys ! I am just a solo hunter, no buddies and no dog. I'm now retired and can get away any time to hunt pheasants, but w/o a dog I'm wondering if I'd just be foolish trying to bags some roosters up there. Would love to come up though, what are your thoughts ? PS: I'm not sure how this forum works yet , so I'm not sure you'll get this message.
    Following your post of house for rent. I have been trying to get to SD for 10 years. Not sure if I can get anyone to come. Any late season options for 1 or 2 hunters?
    been reading your posts.....if i understand, you have a place for hunters, what's your rate, any accomodations for dogs, any private land to hunt, costs? looking to come out next Nov. 17th for 5 days, what can you arrange, just 2 guys, with 3 dogs, many years of hunting experience.

    Hi Bobby,

    Have decided to hunt elsewhere Dec. 10; I am considering another hunt Dec. 17-18 and may contact you again for accommodations. Thanks! Jon
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