Recent content by westksbowhunter

  1. W

    A5 20ga

    I shoot them well, but Benelli has been a more reliable gun. I have purchased 8 new Brownings in the last 40 years. Had a new B 80 plus that I bought in the late 80's that I had to send back to Browning twice. They never could get it fixed, but did refund my money. So I bought a new A5 20...
  2. W

    A5 20ga

    They can't get the parts to make them. I am down for one at one of the biggest and oldest Browning dealer and have been since last spring. Originally they were told they would have them last October, now they don't have a date to expect them. Browning told them that they could not get the...
  3. W

    Recent dog food experience

    Inukshuk is hard to beat. My male labrador gets 2.5 cups a day and my female gets 2 cups. Great coats, hard stools, high energy, dogs love it.
  4. W

    Cold temps and feeding the birds

    I don't support feeding wildlife. What wildlife needs from us is to restore the habitat we have destroyed. Winter isn't cold enough in Kansas to warrant any intervention. Our winters are relatively mild. It was cold Tuesday-Thursday but it is short lived and 54 degree's out west here today...
  5. W

    Shooting Woes - Help Needed

    Sounds like LOP to me.
  6. W

    Shooting Woes - Help Needed

    A Briley Light Mod is hard to beat on pheasants. It stays in my gun all season.
  7. W

    Pointer or flusher debate

    I am searching for a field cocker as we speak. After 45 years of labradors, I am going to a smaller dog.
  8. W

    Shooting Woes - Help Needed

    I don't know how everyone else shoots, but I am much slower at pulling the trigger than walk213. He looks rushed and pulling the trigger way too quick for me. My entire hunting career, I have shouldered the gun on every hawk, sparrow, black bird, meadowlark, and follow with the bead pretending...
  9. W

    Loosing birds

    Different shells will pattern different out of different chokes. You can optimize your weapon. Gun fit is also a big part of shooting better. If you don't believe that, you aren't helping this man.
  10. W

    Loosing birds

    Lol you got to be kidding me. $200 is expensive. That is 3 tanks of gas. Cheap in my book. Keep wounding birds I guess.
  11. W

    Loosing birds Shoot these #6 with a Briley LM tube. Check POI and shim appropriately.
  12. W

    Loosing birds

    If he has lost 18 birds, he is getting into a lot of them.
  13. W

    Loosing birds

    It is you. You are not killing birds dead and your not training your dogs. Until you admit that nothing will change.
  14. W

    Loosing birds

    No there are a lot of hunters that enjoy success like me. Keep doing what you are doing or try to fix it. I offered you some quality advice. I didn't see many today and only got one shot. Dead bird in the vest. Would have kept hunting but dog was limping.
  15. W

    Loosing birds

    I have looked for close to an hour before finding them. Quit shooting inexpensive shells, buy a quality aftermarket choke from Briley or Carlson, pattern your shells and choke, check your drop and cast for POI, and make sure your LOP is correct. You are obviously not putting the bird in the...