Recent content by webguy

  1. webguy

    where’s Bob

    Fascinating to hear I have "intestinal fortitude".
  2. webguy

    where’s Bob

    Where is Bob? Goose (Bob) got a slap on the wrist for 7 days and is not banned anymore as you can see if you visit his profile. His humor has never bothered me, but it seems to bother A LOT of individuals as I get a lot of "reports" on him, but I typically just "resolve" it and tell them...
  3. webguy


    Watch missing 411 by David Paulides -
  4. webguy

    Server Updates

    Server updates and patches were installed tonight. Forum software was patched as well. Unfortunately, we had to roll back to this Tuesday AM. My apologies for anyone that lost posts from today. Blame me.
  5. webguy

    Governor Noem writes about her hunting dog

    Anytime someone discusses anything political (even a name), inherently someone has to poke the bear and "go there". Then I get a few nasty emails and then I'm told how I run such a crappy forum. People just can't seem to walk away (digitally) or leave it alone.
  6. webguy

    Thanks for joining

    Thanks for joining
  7. webguy

    Good deal (y)

    Good deal (y)
  8. webguy

    Your account is good to go now. It was a mistake, I'm not sure if it's a weird IP I saw or...

    Your account is good to go now. It was a mistake, I'm not sure if it's a weird IP I saw or whatever. Accounts slip between the cracks from time to time, this is one of them.
  9. webguy

    Getting Good Rain

    @515wingshooter I'm so glad I could be blessed with you in this forum and that "I know" you bring 20% of engagement to this forum. I'm engaging you, because dealing with you in a pragmatic way is what any normal person would do. I do enjoy your digital words and observing the false facts. To me...
  10. webguy

    Getting Good Rain

    There are 330 million+ in this country and a lot of land gobbled up by private interests. Unfortunately, it will keep disappearing if we look at the facts. Watching South Dakota till up acres of land/CRP for years because it didn't pay enough vs planting corn. If we discuss that, it's politics...
  11. webguy

    Getting Good Rain

    @Haretrigger I appreciate the message, your pragmatic response and I look forward to your future comments on the forum. I do appreciate how you handled your reply. I wish more people could talk like human beings like this, even though we are behind computers. We are all humans after all and like...
  12. webguy

    Getting Good Rain

    Tell me how I'm gaslighting @westksbowhunter ? I'm happy to listen. Am I interpreting things incorrectly? I have got constant reports from @515wingshooter about issues. Gaslighting? Who's gaslighting who? What's the problem? I always tell people, I can't fix a problem that I don't know that...
  13. webguy

    Getting Good Rain

    Fair enough @akp I think you are possibly saying what everything is thinking. @515wingshooter seems to be reporting things that don't fit what he deems kosher, etc. Hey @515wingshooter why don't you tell the forum what is on your mind? (y)
  14. webguy

    Getting Good Rain

    Explain yourself professor.
  15. webguy

    Getting Good Rain

    @515wingshooter I'd recommend you choose your next words wisely. So far you have been reporting issues via the forum report button to just showcase you like to gaslight people and get your way. I'm seeing a pattern here. Either figure it out, or it's time you leave.