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  • I stay at a great little place in Miller. It is owned by Patty Rogers. Your wife will love it. I stay there every year I come out. Take your wife to the Turtle Creek Inn and eat great food and watch football. Patty is a friend of mine and is a great person. Don't take your wife to a motel. They are full of bedbugs and smell. I know, I've been down that road. Her email is Patty.Rogers@As.usda.gov. Head north and hunt the school lands (blue color) on the atlas south of Lebanon and Gettysburg. Eat prime rib at the Orient Bar. You could hunt the rest of your life in that area and not even begin to touch it. Late Nov. and early Dec. is my favorite time. Tell Patty you got her name from Mark. Bring her a 12 of PBR in bottles. Knock on doors north east of Miller. There's a ton of area with no public but folks will let you on if you ask. Great folks over there. Love the area. When you ask for permission, bring the wife to the door. Good luck. Let me know how you do.
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