Recent content by Stickbow

  1. S

    Looking for expert opinions

    I don’t even know 12 pheasant hunters. As previously stated, split up into groups and get on the roads early to scout. Free continental breakfast saves more birds than anything,lol.
  2. S

    Just returned…hunted 12/12-12/16

    I just returned from a 4 day hunt. Birds seemed really jumpy. My guess is from lots of pressure. Plenty of guys hunting with the nice weather. I hunted all public. Managed 11 birds with a few missed. Birds are starting to bunch up but not many in the cattails where I was.
  3. S

    Snow birds…

    Stupid weather. We ended up canceling our trip this week. Hopefully winter will loosen its grip after this cold spell.
  4. S


    Pretty much how my way went too. Done in an hour. The dog caught one buried in the snow and I shot the others. Cattails were the ticket for me.
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    Well, where are these birds going to be holding today?? Cattails and deep ditches a good bet??
  6. S

    Cabelas Mitchell SD

    I stopped there yesterday. It was flooded with people buying anything they could get there hands on. There were no 12 ga loads other than trap and some 1 oz federal stuff. I did grab some 16 ga but when I saw the lines were 20+ deep I set it down and walked out. Found good 1 1/4 oz shells and 12...
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    I start my second 5 days today. Looks like it’s going to be a nasty day. I predict that regardless of the results it won’t soon be forgotten. Good luck if your out there today.
  8. S

    REAL South Dakota 2021 review.

    Just returned from Spink and Sanborn counties. I hunted all public ground with no ditch hunting. Many of my spots from past years were mowed or grazed as many have said. I had to do some searching to find birds on new ground. Water seemed to be key in finding birds. Just me and my two setters...
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    REAL South Dakota 2021 review.

    I carry small battery beard trimmer and shave those out. If it’s not a ball of mud it will be something unpleasant.
  10. S

    Glad it went well. Lucky to get a prairie chicken, I’ve never seen one. Wish I could get out...

    Glad it went well. Lucky to get a prairie chicken, I’ve never seen one. Wish I could get out there once more this year but out of vacation. Good luck if you make it back. Happy holidays.
  11. S

    I had more success in larger Waterfowl areas. Always kept the wind in our face and had a natural...

    I had more success in larger Waterfowl areas. Always kept the wind in our face and had a natural blocker like water ,road or open ground to stop them from running. Birds were still spread out with the warm weather and no snow. Good luck.
  12. S

    Nov 24-28 report

    I hunted alone with just my setter Nacho. I stayed in Huron and hunted only public land. First off, the weather was great. No roaring winds the entire week. Hunting pressure seemed very sporadic. Hunted a 30 mile radius and never really had to worry about other hunters. This was my fourth trip...
  13. S

    Wish I knew it then

    He took over my bed when I went to gas up and never relinquished it. He earned that spot as far as I was concerned.
  14. S

    Wish I knew it then

  15. S

    Wish I knew it then

    If hunting only one dog, don’t trash em the first 2 days. My setter is usually toast by the end of the trip. Here he is at the end of 5 days straight.