Recent content by Scooter

  1. S

    Training question, no bird drive

    My now 9-month GSP has been working in the field and now understands his nose, and points the birds. But...the training wants him to actually gut/eat a bird to get that blood-lust in him. I'm not sure how I feel about, but...
  2. S

    Pigeons or live birds

    Anyone know where I can get my pup on some live birds (pigeons) close to Thornton? He's 6 months old and I want to start getting that natural drive going in him, he's being lazy and letting his big sister take the lead. Thanks!
  3. S

    6 month GSP seems lazy

    Hi all, my second GSP is almost 6 months, and will not go far in chasing balls, or really anything, and does not seem to have much interest in using his nose. A wing on a pole he goes nuts for, but not enough to really go hunting for it, and rarely stops to point it. When we take them both out...
  4. S

    GSP pup, male or female opinions

    Looking to get our second GSP, we have a 3 year old female. We are 4th on the pick list and only 3 females, so we may do a male. Anyone have opinions on the difference between the sexes? A little background: Our first is a family member, inside crate trained, lap dog first. She hunts with us...
  5. S

    Any birds left?

    Have had to work so much we only got out for opening day, and came up dry...hoping to go out next Friday and try our luck again. Was hoping the snow came again, but it's supposed to be in the 40's again. Are there any birds left out between Akron and Yuma? Any advice or comments appreciated, we...