Recent content by onealmck

  1. O

    And thus it begins

    People ask me all the time if mine is a lab. He's a GSP mixed with an Irish setter.
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    And thus it begins

    I'm curious where you got your pup? The reason I ask is I have a 10 month old all black GSP mix.
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    Youth Season

    Managed to pin down a rooster late this afternoon. The boys doubled up and put him in the bag. We hunted hard for him but it’s smiles all around now!
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    Youth Season

    I hope many find some time to take out the kids this weekend. My boys and I hope to find some quail and a rooster or two close to home. Best of luck to everyone!
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    Farthest east You've shot a Kansas rooster

    If you know where they are Pheasants can still be found in NE KS but you’d be crazy to drive here to hunt Pheasants. Quail are solid and have been for a few years. I’d love to see some locals get back into chasing quail. I would think it would help with conservation efforts but I’m probably...
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    How's the season so far?

    Took my son out close to home for a quick 45 minute hunt, kicked up a very nice covey and managed to bring one home. My son didn’t connect but the dog was great and we’ll get him a bird before the season is out.
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    Opening Weekend

    Saturday we were in NE KS hunting with family. We ended up joining with another hunter and saw more pheasants than we’ve seen in that area for years. The gentleman who joined us managed 2 roosters and a couple of quail. He let my sons hold one of his roosters. A younger guy who clearly loves the...
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    Porcupine Question

    I’ve never seen one in KS but I know a few guys who have had encounters. I’ve been lucky with skunks but one did have a bad day while I was blackpowder deer hunting. It was me or the skunk. You can guess how that went.
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    How are things shaping up for the hatch?

    These pics are awesome! Thanks for sharing!
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    Pheasant Crow Counts

    I hadn’t looked for that one specifically. I usually pay pretty close attention to the crow counts, bobwhite whistle counts, and then the brood survey. I find the small game survey to be interesting, particularly the average harvest per day. That said, this time of year I’m looking for any kind...
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    Pheasant Crow Counts

    I saw this article yesterday. Looks like South Dakota is discontinuing their pheasant crow counts. I found this shocking. It made me think, KS hasn’t published counts yet this year. Given the madness of the spring I’m curious if counts took place and KDWPT is just behind or if we won’t have...
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    Woodcock Hunting

    I’ve been thinking about trying some Woodcock hunting. I live in far NE KS with great access to forested areas and I’ve heard of folks hunting them in my area. The only thing is I know absolutely nothing about them. I’m hoping someone can give me some pointers. What type of habitat to look for...
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    Last hunt of the season

    Hunted for a couple of hours this morning. We ended up with 6 quail with 2 of us and one dog. We did shoot one rooster but after a long search moved on without our long feathered prize. We hunted in central KS at some old favorites. We saw nice covies in each field we hunted including 2 where...
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    Getting close!!!

    Camping in eastern KS in a state park and we are hearing lots of quail. We even had a few cross the road in front of us this morning. Cold crisp mornings, falling leaves, and quail have me ready to go. My Irish setter is with us and he's ready to roll too. I don't think he understands why I...
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    Harvest Report

    I've been watching the thread in Iowa and waiting for someone in Kansas to start one. So here goes, harvest is progressing nicely in NE KS, at least before the storms this week. What are we hearing and seeing out there?