Recent content by NDPheasant

  1. NDPheasant

    Here is a strange tip I heard.

    I see the same things all over my area. Funny you mention the dalmation look. Made me laugh as I access the visuals stored in my own memory bank. It is so true. Pheasants are survivors. They eat whatever it takes. I hunt areas that have zero cropland for many, many miles and they survive...
  2. NDPheasant

    Here is a strange tip I heard.

    peake nailed it.
  3. NDPheasant

    Winter/Spring 2025

    The cold we experienced from the end of December until mid-February in ND really sucked. My wife and I just love this time to continue to take our dogs on walks for the benefit of both of us. With our recent warmup, we made time to get out and walk which got our dogs on birds. I am sharing a...
  4. NDPheasant

    Shot Variety

    Short answer for my two Vizslas - a variety. I rarely walk in from behind when they are on point. I try to circle around and come at the dogs. This helps them steady a little more. I also believe it varies because pheasants seem to pre-determine where their rally point is going to be. If...
  5. NDPheasant

    Would like your insight on a purchase for pheasant hunting

    Goose, it is finally time we give some historical context on your hatred of blaze orange. The following photo is the only photo of Goose that has ever been produced without any help from AI. He is just like Wilson-the-neighbor from Tim Allen's Home Improvement sitcom show. Full of advice for...
  6. NDPheasant

    Vikings game

    I absolutely must have the Vikings be my pall bearers at my funeral so they can let me down one last time!
  7. NDPheasant


    Is this the same one that navigated the cattails in the median of I94 a few years back? ;)
  8. NDPheasant

    FCS Football

    Wouldn’t that be fun!!!
  9. NDPheasant

    FCS Football

    Beer sales in Frisco will drop significantly the weekend prior to the game!!!
  10. NDPheasant

    FCS Football

    MSU is a great program. Much respect for them.
  11. NDPheasant

    FCS Football

    I didn’t hear the reason for the change but it did sound like they are hosting in Nashville. Breaks the tradition for Frisco since 2011.
  12. NDPheasant

    FCS Football

    10 FCS Championships in 14 years. Might as well be named Fargo! 😉. They interview coach before the game and he said as they took the field a MSU fan yelled “go home coach”. He replied back “We are home!” 😂
  13. NDPheasant

    FCS Football

    Check out the game tonight live from Fargo, Tx!!!!
  14. NDPheasant

    Game warden question

    Joel, If your wife points out a rooster you missed, is that participation or just the help you really need? Let’s be honest, her sharp eye might be exactly what it takes to step up your game. By the end of the season, she might even be the one teaching you how to spot and flush birds! :p. On...
  15. NDPheasant

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Nice work Greg. You have had a good season from the reports and pictures. I went out today for a quick hunt with my wife. We managed to get one to sit tight. I shot it and both dogs went to the spot they saw it hit. The rooster mocked me as he ran at me. He had done a 90 in from the field...