Recent content by Kevin W

  1. K

    Iowa's opener is today.

    No worries McFarmer, Kepa is still living the life here at home and while I haven’t gotten out pheasant hunting yet I certainly plan too make it out with her a few times this season. I hope all is well with you and the family. Kevin.
  2. K

    Second weekend in Iowa

    Solid outing Remy!!!
  3. K

    Iowa's opener is today.

    I have tried a few different kinds. McFarmer suggested a pair and I got those. They worked for a few months then for what ever reason I couldn’t wear them. I bet I’ve tried 6 or so different ones including two pairs where my feet were mapped. None seemed to work very long. The latest shoes that...
  4. K

    Iowa's opener is today.

    Unfortunately, yes.
  5. K

    Iowa's opener is today.

    Nice!!! The skull on the base is an interesting addition. What kind of critter is that from?
  6. K

    Iowa's opener is today.

    Thanks for the updates guys, unfortunately foot issues persist for me. I can hunt / walk for a bit but if I do too much I really pay for it later. I do like following along with your updates and write ups!!! I plan on adding a few this season but didn’t make it out this past weekend. Good luck...
  7. K

    2023 Iowa bird hunt pics and/or stories

    Your right about that Bob. I posted on here at the start of the season I joined for the waterfowl but as a bonus was told I could pheasant hunt as well. I just wasn't sure how good the pheasant hunting would be or how much I could even walk to take advantage of it but having the option to...
  8. K

    2023 Iowa bird hunt pics and/or stories

    I took a friend out to the waterfowl lease this morning to chase pheasants. We started out right at 8 am in one of the set aside fields. I had Kepa and my friend had his female black lab Charlie. The dogs got birdy right away and put up a couple of hens in the first 30 or so yards. Then up came...
  9. K

    2023 Iowa bird hunt pics and/or stories

    Solid outing and nice shooting!!! I should have followed suit. I worked this morning cleaning up the desk with the thought of hitting it tomorrow. With the forecasted rain tomorrow I think I will pass though. Congrats and Merry Christmas!!!
  10. K

    Okoboji Iowa

    The ignore feature is useful at times.
  11. K

    Meet Harry, son of Kepa

    Wild, from our family's century farm. There are no game farms in our area.
  12. K

    Meet Harry, son of Kepa

    Kenny took Harry out this past weekend and was able to harvest a very unique looking rooster. Harry pointed him and Kenny made the shot. After the hunt Kenny swung by the taxidermist and dropped this one off for a mount.
  13. K

    Meet Harry, son of Kepa

    Update on Harry!!! I was able to get Harry out and hunt behind him for a bit. My son Kenny who owns Harry has been steadily hunting him for ducks and pheasants and has been telling me Harry has been doing really well. Kenny works for the railroad and his days off don’t often align with mine. So...
  14. K

    Iowa report from today

    Found on the internet, so it must be true. In Iowa, road hunting is allowed, but guns must be unloaded and cased in a vehicle unless the gun owner has a permit to carry a concealed firearm.
  15. K

    2023 Iowa bird hunt pics and/or stories

    I took Kepa for an afternoon hunt on the waterfowl lease today. But our hunt was cut way short after a 15 minute walk. We started out on a nice strip of CRP that ran towards a disc’d corn field. Half way through a rooster got up just out of range and the closer to the end hens and roosters were...