Recent content by gjw

  1. G

    Pheasants - Cold?

    Hey all, they should be just fine. It was a cold bugger -40 air temp, but very little wind. So wind chill was not a big factor. There are plenty cattail sloughs around along with thicker fence lines and tree rows. Not much snow cover and no ice for them to peck thru for food. We're in a...
  2. G

    Help me plan a trip to NoDak

    Brittany nailed it!!!
  3. G

    16 gauge

    Check these out As you know I only shoot SxS's and personally I think if I wanted a bespoke gun, I'd sure consider their offerings. Reasonable cost for a gun built to your specs Good luck, half the fun is looking! Greg
  4. G

    Help me plan a trip to NoDak

    Gee, thanks for the kind words, you're going to make me blush! Stay well my friend
  5. G

    Help me plan a trip to NoDak

    Hello, well, first thing is you can scratch Prairie Chicken and Sage Grouse off your list. There is no season in this state, sorry. Sharpies is another story. You can find them statewide. You can hunt the grasslands in the western part of the state. Plenty of land and birds to hunt. But...
  6. G

    End Of The Season

    Hey all, well today was the last day of our bird season here in North Dakota. It was pretty much the same as last year. A good one. Made some good shots and missed some easy ones Could not complain about the weather. Temps were a bit wild, warm, then cold, then warm again. Just a roller coaster...
  7. G

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Hey all, Happy New Year to one and all! Went out for a couple hours today, bit cool, but not much wind. Did see more than the last couple times out, but still wild. Was able to get a couple. Did shoot a limit, but lost one over the cattails Addie did her best but no cigar. Addie did really well...
  8. G

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    I'm far from a master shotgunner, just average. All the guns I use fit me, so that's probably why I can shoot different guns effectively. It also helps to have a good dog! The guns I'll shoot are SxS's. Been shooting them for the last 46 years. I just love them. Stay well Greg
  9. G

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Hey all, another nice day, but like yesterday the roads to our areas were pretty slick and soupy. Couldn't get to them so had to switch gears. The birds were pretty wild, but Addie was able to pin one down and a covey of Huns. Was able to get a double on the Huns, so was happy with that I used...
  10. G

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Hey all, went put solo, didn't see many today and that includes hens. Addie did manage to pin done a couple, so not a bad day. Weather wise, it was a darn nice day. 30, sunny and low winds. Just a bit over a week and our season is done. Anyway, I used my 16ga Garbi 100 Stay well my friends Greg
  11. G

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Hey all, just had a short time to go out before family events this evening. Anyway, got a couple, didn't see very many today. It was a beautiful day, sunny, warm and low winds. Should have had a limit, but one got up on the wrong side of the trees! Oh well, nice to get out. Used my 12ga...
  12. G

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Hey all, better day today compared to yesterday. Low winds and a bit warmer. Did not see as many as yesterday, still wild however. Addie did really well, very happy with her. She was able to pin these two down after they gave her a merry chase. Used my 12ga Merkel 147E Stay well my friends Greg
  13. G

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Hey all, just myself and good old Addie. A bit chilly today with the wind. Saw a lot of birds, but boy talk about wild! Flushing 60 to 70 yards out, even the hens! Addie was able to pin one down, so I guess one is better than none! Used my12b Henry Atkin today. Stay well my friends Greg
  14. G

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Hi, are you hunting a preserve or wild birds?