Recent content by Emanuel2b

  1. E

    Socal / chukar

    Hey guys what's up and merry x-mas. Hope upland season is going good for you guys. I live in southern California and I've traveled couple hours to find this Damn chukar and I'm in all the right places but all I wanted to do was just see one run up a hill or something I would of been happy :) me...
  2. E

    My GSP hard mouthing

    Hey guys I got a 2 year old gsp. First season hunting him, when my trainer trained my gsp he had such a soft mouth.. We shot like 10+ quails he retrieved perfect and on give command he gave up the bird. Our of the blue he started to chew the bird on his way back to me after a perfect retrieve...
  3. E

    My gsp and quail

    This my second year Hunting and I have a trained gsp that's 2 1/2 years old. I've taken him Hunting and I wanted to know a lot of times he goes on point but no bird.. Is he just picking up old scent?? And he is patient on his point but sometimes when he runs by and doesn't pick up scent on a...
  4. E

    Is there wild pheasants in Cali?

    Hi guys I was wondering is there wild pheasants on public lands in Cali? If so anyone know where I might have some luck during hunting season? Also where are decent spot for chukar in Cali? This is my second year hunting :) oh and I'm new to the forums. I want to put my GSP to work this season...