Recent content by ehudgens

  1. ehudgens

    This was a good tip, and one I hadn't ever heard before

    When it's real dry in South Dakota, the first place I go to is any water source. Usually a cattle dug-out. When it's super dry I always find them near water.
  2. ehudgens

    Bird sightings

    Good way to wrap it up!
  3. ehudgens

    Bird sightings

    Had an incredible morning on Sunday with my 2 cousins. Weather was absolutely perfect with 10 degree temps, no wind and an inch of snow on the ground. First spot was one of my honey holes that I just knew we were going get a few birds. Dog pointed one hen, that was it. Tracks everywhere so...
  4. ehudgens

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    Saw it a couple of years ago. I was sitting in my truck watching a group of birds in corn stalks. They stared flying across the road into a crp field and a hen flew into a power line.
  5. ehudgens

    Bird sightings

    Sounds like a fun day Murph. Good to here you are seeing birds. I was down on Saturday. Tried a new spot North of Milford that I just got permission for. 40 acre CRP field. Confession, dog pointed hard about 50 yards from the truck. Bird held perfectly, went to shoot, CLICK.... Totally...
  6. ehudgens

    Bird sightings

    Yep, the only thing there is the grain elevator. That bar was a wild place.
  7. ehudgens

    Jim Edgar Panther

    Did you wind up going? Just wondering what it's like down there. I looked at the stats, and for a site that big, there wasn't many birds killed last year. If you went I hope you were successful.
  8. ehudgens

    Bird sightings

    Unfortunately no. Got these out by Bryce. Just wanted to take a cool pic of that sign with some birds.
  9. ehudgens

    Bird sightings

    A little tribute to my dad.
  10. ehudgens

    Bird sightings

    Had another nice trip to Iroquois County on Saturday. Was nice to hunt in some cold weather. Was able to hit a 40 acre field that I haven't been able to get to for a few years. It's been too wet, and it's a mile drive through a field to get into this place. Killed my two birds in there and...
  11. ehudgens

    Bird sightings

    Met a friend in Milford on Sunday. We killed our 4 birds in just under 2 hours. Stuck to some small crp patches that I like and the pheasant gods were smiling on us yesterday. Didn't see a ton of birds, but probably really only hunted for 45 minutes. Had 8 great points. We shot 4 times and...
  12. ehudgens

    Bird sightings

    NIce report. I was up in SD the last week. Hoping to get to Milford this weekend.
  13. ehudgens

    Bird sightings

    That place looks familiar.....
  14. ehudgens

    Worst things that happened while hunting ?

    We hunt lots of drainage ditches in east central, IL. Extremely cold one day late in the season. There was a beaver damn on this particular ditch, so it was probably 6-8 feet wide. It had been below zero for several days so the ditch was iced over, and the temp that day was in the single...
  15. ehudgens

    Overall season bird numbers

    Mainly hunt Edmonds County area on private ground. I'd say numbers were same as last year. A little hard to tell. It was so dry in 2022, anywhere I knew there was water I could go right to and find birds. They were definitely spread out more this fall. Hopefully conditions will be conducive...