Recent content by duckn66

  1. D

    Field Trials? NSTRA?

    My rescue setter isn’t registered.
  2. D

    Field Trials? NSTRA?

    Does your dog have to have papers to run these or can you just run them for fun?
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    Report from NW

    I had a really good report from the northwest about 3 weeks ago. But, this guy knows everyone in the county and can hunt wherever he wants pretty much. Had the same report on quail an hour east of that same area but same story with the private ground. More birds than they’ve seen in a few...
  4. D

    Dirt Roads

    hunted all around Colby yesterday and today and they are all dry and graded. Matter of fact every road we went down gravel or dirt was dusty.
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    There is a lot of money made from deer hunting by our politicians as well as “deals”. Big money in deer hunting and they won’t ever pass any laws to strictly regulate guiding because they don’t want to run off deer guides or hurt their own guiding on their own land.
  6. D

    What’s everyone using for non toxic shell’s? For pheasants

    I’ve never shot boss or bismuth or any of that stuff other than steel. Just never felt the need to. Pattern your gun and see what your chokes like the best. For me 3 inch #3 steel shot knocks the dog snot outa a phez. It’s what I shoot mallards over decoys with. Seems to pattern about as...
  7. D

    What would your reaction be?

    That’s why I don’t hunt opening weekends any longer for anything. Hell, I rarely even hunt anymore. Just to many people these days. I have turned to fishing almost exclusively. It’s crowded as well but at least I can get away from them and nobody is shooting guns haphazardly!
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    The 70s in SE Kansas and even into the 80s was as good of quail hunting as you could find in the country! It was absolutely lights out quail hunting. Pheasant hunting was great within a 2 hour drive of where we lived just north of Topeka. Quail hunting is still decent but not SE anymore...
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    New Law

    No way they will limit out of state hunters. The big game hunting business is too big. Stop thinking 1 dimensional. There is a lot more to Montana than bird hunting. Guides have the legislatures in bed. I’d even bet that some of them own guide businesses. Limiting out of staters is a pipe...
  10. D

    Any1 close 2 Topeka going to ND or MT to hunt?

    By the way how is Mr Jett doing?
  11. D

    Any1 close 2 Topeka going to ND or MT to hunt?

    I’d love to go sometime. But would have to be next year for me. I also want to head to northern Nevada and hunt chukar. Yes- I want to try to do myself in hahaha
  12. D

    Golden retriever teaser!

    Very nice.
  13. D

    Golden retriever teaser!

    What’s the pedigree?
  14. D

    Golden Retriever question

    Rarely see them afield. I have seen a few at hunt tests. When I was a kid and dad ran field trials back in the 70s and early 80s there was a lady he trained with that had some really nice Golden’s that she ran in field trials. I don’t remember her ever placing in one but her dogs were still...
  15. D

    Iowa vs Kansas

    They proved they didn’t manage our turkey populations. Now they closed the fall season completely because they let everyone and their brother shoot hens every fall for years.