Recent content by Brentbullets

  1. Brentbullets

    Let’s talk boots (older crowd on here)

    I wore Danner's and before that Red Wings, switched to Kenetrek's a few years ago, wish I had made the switch sooner. I am 65, bad knees, back and ankle.
  2. Brentbullets

    Your "Go-To" gun and why?

    A400 Upland. Carried an 870 for years.
  3. Brentbullets

    Lets See Your some pic's

    Raven, 1 year old. Last hunt of year in SD. She had a good first year with approximately 24 pheasant, 3 mallard and 15 Canada goose retrieves.
  4. Brentbullets

    Loosing birds

    Go all out Gucci and quit being a troll.
  5. Brentbullets

    Large Lucky Duck kennel for sale

    I have a new this fall Lucky Duck LARGE kennel and insulated that I am looking to sale. My Raven isn't going to be big enough for this kennel. Also looking to add a Decked System and their smaller one would work better. I can meet with in a couple of hours of Sioux City, Iowa. I would like $550...
  6. Brentbullets

    Pheasant Fest 2025 KC

    Just said something to the wife that we might attend. Watching the weather. Lots of guns and clothing in Sioux Falls last year.
  7. Brentbullets

    Lets See Your some pic's

    Raven, 1 year old tomorrow. Leaves on her first SD trip Wednesday morning.
  8. Brentbullets

    FCS Football

    I'm watching.
  9. Brentbullets

    Lets See Your some pic's

    Raven loves chasing cripples! 1 year old on the 12th.
  10. Brentbullets

    Lets See Your some pic's

    Raven is a waterfowl dog also.
  11. Brentbullets

    Lets See Your some pic's

    Raven, 10 months old.
  12. Brentbullets

    Truck caps

    It's what I went with.
  13. Brentbullets

    Private land?

    Please DO NOT have $100 bills in your hand! Depending on time of year and weather you should be able to get on some private ground without paying.
  14. Brentbullets

    Dog soap, shampoo?

    1st house dog. What soap shampoo are you using? BLF 9 months old
  15. Brentbullets

    Is this Hungarian partridge?

    Used to shoot Huns frequently in NW Iowa in the 80’s and 90’s. Will see some occasionally in my travels.