You can have barrel awareness without LOOKING directly at the barrel/bead. It's in your peripheral vision. Focusing soley on the bead/barrel will slow the gun causing a miss behind. Your eyes still dictate where the hands go. The eyes feed information to the brain and the brain makes the...
There's two ways to look at the correct choke idea. It really depends on what's happening with the birds that given day or what part of the season your in. Windy days where the birds are spooked and long flushes may be the norm, you'll welcome a tighter choke etc. I can tell you I would rather...
I'm afraid I don't have a lot to add other than to feed according to body shape whether that is 1 cup or 4? which in most sporting breeds is that slight hour glass shape in thru the hips and waist. Should be able to feel a hint of ribs running your fingers down their side. I'm assuming a clean...
I used to use Frontline plus and now have gone to their newest version Frontline Shield for Dogs. Supposedly better at preventing Ticks and fleas from attaching than Frontline Plus??
Yeah gun fit. Each manufacturer may have a different stock dimension that they feel will fit the average Joe. Namely drop to comb and also how much cast the gun will have. I would fair to bet most field guns off the rack will come with little to no cast and be pretty neutral. Drop to comb can be...
Crossing shots can give people fits especially a long crosser. The going away shot is the hardest shot to make a clean kill when there is distance involved.
If you can find a skeet field anywhere near you that is the ideal place to learn how to hit crossing type shots. I instruct and coach...
That's like the old pigeon loads which were always 3-1/4 dram 1-1/4 Oz @ 1220. These may be low brass vs high brass 1330.
High brass
I think the going away shot is the toughest for most people not so much as it's hard to hit but if the bird is at some distance when it flushes it's hard to anchor that bird as he exposes the least amount of vitals. Long crossing shots can give people fits too as they aren't applying the correct...
Love the pics. This is why I always say get the eyes/gun to the birds head if you can see it. Merely looking at the whole bird results in the red circle hits.
Any crossing or quartering away shot exposes the head and side of the breast where the heart and lungs are openly exposed. The dead...