Recent content by Bird-man

  1. B

    Season Greetings!!

    Two weeks until the opener! Can't wait. Murphy is in great shape. He is in his 5th year and last year was one of his best. I don't think he made a mistake all year. It was just great. I didn't post this last year. I tend to get busy and forget. But we were in one of my favorite blue grouse...
  2. B

    Dog Training

    You know when I get bored I like to stir the pot a little. So, I thought I would repost something I posted on another thread. With a few additional thoughts. I have seen guys blasting on their whistle, screaming at their dogs, fighting to get a pheasant out of the dogs mouth. I watched one guy...
  3. B

    How to improve your shooting

    This is a subject some will find controversial, but I read in a recent thread about this and thought I would post some tips. And this is good no matter if you are new to shooting, or an old hand. Here we go. NUMBER ONE, MOST IMPORTANT, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS IF THIS IS WRONG! Get a gun that...
  4. B

    The drought

    I ran into a wildlife biologist in Nebraska a few weeks ago and wanted to pass this along. I asked him why the drought was so hard on the birds, besides the obvious reasons. He told me the biggest problem was the dry air was hard on the eggs. Apparently the eggs need a certain amount of humidity...
  5. B


    So, finally made it out to the McCook area last week. Unbelievable. 3 days, 2 small coveys of quail. Only about 6 birds in each covey. Took one bird. And felt a little bad about that. Saw a group of about 10 hens and maybe two roosters bust out wild 100 yards away. That's it. 3 days. Dry as...
  6. B

    Good Hunting in Nebraska

    I have had a couple really good weekends out in my favorite area west of McCook. Took 13 roosters, and 3 quail over 3 weekends. This is Murphy on point at one of my favorite spots. He is just turning 3 in a couple months and having a great year. Hope everyone is having a good season.