Lack of hens


Well-known member
Maybe it is just me but I have noticed a lack of hens. I have seen 4 total where I generally see at least a dozen.
In the area where I hunt, we saw more hens than roosters. It could have been that the roosters and hens were using different cover? There were oceans of wheat stubble and un harvested crops in the area that we couldn’t begin to hunt effectively.
That’s good you were seeing them. Always concerns me when I see fewer hens than roosters. And they could have been feeding or somewhere else.
They hatch out 50/50. If there are roosters around, the hens are too, somewhere (and vice versa).
Yeah had one sit tight last evening when we were out for a walk. I actually walked by her but my lab found her. It just seems to me in my area they’re a bit lacking. I’m sure I’ll find more as season progresses.