pup getting possessive

Kevin, she's a springer. I appreciate the tips. My wife has actually been working with her on just that drill that you describe. I'll be working on it next. Since the main issue seemed to be with me, we wanted to make sure. I spend more time with her since I work from home, and end up pulling so much crap out of her mouth on our walks (sticks, bark, rubberbands, chickenbones etc) that I figure that's why the issue is mostly with me. Funny tho since she'll let me take a tennis ball from her no problem. She likes to hold the ball a bit and walk around me (a little avoidance I admit), but I praise her for the retrieve, get her attention, tell her drop, and out it comes as I grab it. no struggle or strain to hold onto it.

I don't have the e-collar yet.. will probably be coming in the next month or two. thanks again for the tips. we'll keep working on it.
I actually think it's not too unusual for a dog about that age to start testing their boundaries a bit, so don't get too discouraged. In addition to what others have said, I would suggest making sure you're doing "down" as part of your obedience regimen since that is more of a submissive action for dogs. I think as long as you don't put up with it and keep on the obedience, the behavior will go away pretty quickly.

so after a couple weeks off, I tried the bully stick again last night. I had her on leash, with her pinch collar, and let her lay on the couch right next to me. I took it from her a few times, she got stiff and growled real low. gave her a correction and took the stick from her. gave it back. kept this up every so often until all i had to was say drop and take it from her. took a while, but seemed to lighten up a bit. not too much tho. will try again soon. but also thinking i may just cut the bully sticks out all together. seems to be the only item she does this with. BUT, she also loves them more than anything else. they'll keep her busy for an hour or more just quiet and chewing. hmm... i'll just keep at it.
That is what you want to see as a trainer a little teaching and alittle improvement each training session.. Keep it up!