Internet Scouting, or maybe I have been here to long!

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I'm a new member to the forum just joining within the last three weeks. I've been in the field since I received my Hunter's safety (from the greatest Hunter's safety instructor) since I was 11. This is my 25th year.

For me, I joined because I truly enjoy talking pheasant hunting, the tactics, the results, dogs, conditions, guns, ammo, the whole enchilada. I enjoy absorbing the information from other Kansas hunters. Maybe something someone is doing which is working could work for me. Maybe I can help someone who truly enjoys the whole aspect of hunting as much as I do.

I kind of view the forum as a way to connect with other hunters from across the state and the nation, much like the way in which I've connected with the good ones face-to-face while in the field. If some of my information can help someone enjoy the aspect of the outdoors, I'm all for it. And if someone is willing to help me out, I hope I can return the favor down the road.
old and new- I guess maybe "I'm not just old, I am cantankerous and crotchy too!" I started a thread last March titled "Asking For/Giving Advise" on the very same subject you are addressing. From reading both threads I have a few thoughts/opinions. I feel no one has a problem on this site giving advise on everything accept when it comes to LOCATIONS. Some don't think it's a problem to give out locations. (more on this later). To me when you ask for location advise, be it counties, towns, hotels, you are crossing over to the unethical. Many of you say these guys are looking for the easy way to hunt. I agree. I also feel that these are the same guys that throw their cans/garbage out their windows while doing their version of hunting called road hunting. Then get to the bar and talk smart to the locals. At the hotel their dogs crap by the front door while they clean their birds in the back. Not cleaning up after either. We do not need these guys. They will only ruin it for the rest of us. If some want to give out locations that is your right. Some of you state "well, how is this hurting you". This is how it hurts us. When someone posts a location, that could be the same area I hunt. You are giving them a free pass to find your honeyhole and mine. One post is read by 100s of readers, so you basically just helped out 101. If they do their own research and find my honeyhole. More power to them. If you want to give out locations pm them. Most of these guys won't be able to figure out how to get their pms
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